The confessional thread.

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I had to install Windows on a virtual machine today to install some crappy work related Semiconductor tester software... I feel a bit better now that I'm home and the nausea subsided.
I am probably going to have to do the same so that I can install Respondus LockDown Browser, if it will work.  I haven't really looked into it much, other than to see what it is and why it is needed.  

Actually, there is a better thread for me to discuss this.
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I watch 2 Broke Girls, and Lost Girl
I tried...

I do watch many shows that seem to be for women, but Lost Girl, which I can't tell if it is targeted toward women, just got very boring very quick.  There is a lot that is similar between Lost Girl and some of these other shows, so I am guessing it is the fantasy that doesn't appeal to me.

I have been watching a ton of The Golden Girls lately (I have always watched it, and now that I found a block of it across 2 channels, I just turn it on while I am doing things in the morning).

Are we supposed to talk about things we don't normally admit in this thread?  I usually don't care if people look down on what I do and my interests, so they aren't secrets.
Im a furry :o

Ive been to court before... for a crime that judging from the judges face if he wasnt in robes be would have high fived me....

Ive read so many manga's aimed at girls.(Dont care.. they were fun.)

And I was in one point of life geniunely insane for about 8 months.

Thats all im willing to post now.
Got a blowjob on he schoolbus by my then girlfriend.

After an abusive relationship my mind shattered leaving me giggling mad where pain meant nothing, abd the futilty of life was hilarious... It was. like being submerged in a vat of cold ink like darkness where the clarity of thought and mind are consumed by chaos. I had the maniac laugh and everything. I snapped out of it after cutting the person who hurt me out of my life and moving on.. It was a point of darkness in life so bad I can never forgive her for breaking my mind like that.... when ever i see her picture or name i feel sheer hatred.
Iv'e only watched the 1960's star Trek show just the one time in it's entirety!!

On the other hand I have watched the entirety of Star Trek The next generation somewhere between seven and eight times...
^ Shame on you! You're missing out, you know.
^^^^^^^^ In fact I just dug out the season one box-set of the 60's Star Trek.

Digging around my parents place. Iv'e found some old British comics, 2000 AD. To e-bay they shall go.
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