The Commodore story. Kickstarter documentary.

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009

Yes, another commodore era documentary. Amiga, c64 etc. Still could be good and its cheap to back it.
So I backed it. We have vivaamiga, bedrooms to billions the amiga years, and special edition version too and now this. Good times for Amiga fans.
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8-Bit Generation: The Commodore Wars documentary is great too, even if i like more the books, like On the Edge: the spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore.

Still better to see some talks online at partys like Revision or the recent Datastorm, with Fairlight members, David Hayne or Peter Sunde explaining their anecdotes with the demo scene, ;)
8-Bit Generation: The Commodore Wars documentary is great too, even if i like more the books, like On the Edge: the spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore.

Still better to see some talks online at partys like Revision or the recent Datastorm, with Fairlight members, David Hayne or Peter Sunde explaining their anecdotes with the demo scene, ;)
I must check out 8 bit generation, I never heard of it. Commodore a company on the edge is a great book. Thoroughly researched and well written and paced. The amiga years from the same author is incoming. I cant wait
Seems like peoples are better at documentary creation than at device creation through crowd funding...