Viva Amiga Documentary

Zeno Arrow

Oct 5, 2008
Hi all,

There's currently an interesting documentary being put together on the Commodore Amiga and its impact called 'Viva Amiga'. You can see a trailer for it here:

Here's an extract:

In my opinion, the Amiga computer is fondly remembered by those that used it, but there's not enough media celebrating how great a machine it truly was/is. This documentary looks like a great way to celebrate this technological wonder.

At the moment, there is a Kickstarter project trying to raise funds to get Viva Amiga completed, there's just under $10k USD still needed to go at the time of writing this:
There's been a decent amount of coverage about the documentary in the main Amiga forums, but I know there's an even bigger retrogaming scene, like the one represented here, that is going to be really into this too.

If you're interested, please consider supporting the Viva Amiga project via Kickstarter. Even if there are just a few more DVDs pre-ordered I'd feel I'd done what I should. Also, if you can suggest other retrogaming forums that would be a suitable place to discuss Viva Amiga, please do so, we need all the help we can get.

I hope you'll agree that this is an opportunity to give props to the Amiga that we shouldn't pass up. Please let us know what you think. What fun stuff did you use to do on your Amiga? :)