The Best Feeling In The World

wolly wotsit

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Apr 4, 2004
Nova's house
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What is, for you, the best feeling in the world, for instance mine is just coming out of a shower and slipping on some jeans with change in the back pocket, don't know why. Second best is lying in bed, and realising you left your socks on, cos when you pull them off, your feet always feel tingly and nice against the duvet.

So, what is yours?
Wanking...definitely, jk jk...No it's actually when I relax and makes me sleepy and numb..and gives me a brain buzz! Self-mind fuxxoration...

^ whao...that's ffed up... :eek:
Getting up reasonably early on a nice warm summers day and going on your bike to go see my mates.
Its just the fresh air in your face and the fact you know youll have a stress free day infront of you.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Apr 14 2006 at 04:48 PM said:
Eating my woman out till she comes. Nothing beats that feeling of accomplishment.

I believe that falls under the category of fellatio, correct me if i'm wrong here...
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Hm... how about.. The Best Feeling In The World, Besides Intercourse, Self-Gratification, Fellatio, Cunilingus, Bondage, BSDM Activities, Sadomachistic Perversions, Ritual Abuse, Drugs, Self-Mutilation, Pornography, and any other such NSFW activities...

Edit: Oh?!?!? how about...Bestiality?!?! Did you think of that, you pervs? I thought of that because I'm such a----
Loubear posted on Apr 14 2006 at 01:35 PM said:
Hm... how about.. The Best Feeling In The World, Besides Intercourse, Self-Gratification, Fellation, Cuninglus, Bondage, BSDM, Sadochistic Perversions, Ritual Abuse, Drugs, Self-Mutilation, Pornography, and any other such NSFW activities...
There's nothing left.
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Waking up knowing you can do whatever you damn please.
Checking the clock at 2am and remembering you can sleep as long as you want the next day.
Going to bed with a handheld loaded with anime. (This feeling was greatly increased when I was watching Elfen Lied on it)

Or, of course, necrophilia.
The feeling when you've busting for a big shit to point of the turtles head popping out.. and you finally find a bog to relieve yourself as it fires out in one heavy blast
See? There's still something for the list! about...cannabalizing off the dead, bloody, and mutilated corpses of your ritual rape victims...Fun all in one!
The feeling you get when a package that you've been waiting for for weeks arrives in the morning.

Oh, and finally being able to roll up houses in We Love Katamari.
Watching the birth of my kids. Each time is as awesome as the first. Funnily enough I thought I would cry but there was to much emotion in the moment to waste on that.
BaDToaD posted on Apr 14 2006 at 03:29 PM said:
Watching the birth of my kids. Each time is as awesome as the first. Funnily enough I thought I would cry but there was to much emotion in the moment to waste on that.

B) ... Good man, good man ... I was going to say morphine, but you kinda ruined the moment ;)
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