Test this one... Castaway/GP 12 potential


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Dont' post to news.. need to get feedback first :)

This potential version 12 is the ultimate use of the ghames database we've built up; you can now list *by game* (in addition to the normal "by disk" listing). Its reallyt only useful once you've used "select" to push a bunch of stuf finto the databases's cache however.

Please work this one over and let me know if you see any weird crashes or anything..


Thats right, get my hopes up real high, then let me scroll down my list of games (by game alphabetically) real fast and watch as it crashed my GP. :D

Tried it again and its fine when sorted by disk, which is obviously a lot smaller. In game mode though when it scrolls fast it gets to a load of 'Not checked' or Not cached' or similiar before crashing.
Not Cached
Not Cached
Not Cached
Not in DB
Not in DB

I do have a lot of disks in my ATARI folder thoough, maybe this has something to do with it

Happens if i scroll slowly aswell I just noticed.
How many games do you think you have?

I think its hardcoded to handle up to about 500 games in the gamelist; I have no idea what happens when you have more than that :)

Theres 12 games per screen I think.. if you scroll down.. how many screens before it crashes? :)

There are 24 screens I think, so thats only 288

The Bios monitor reports

Exception : Prefetch Abort

I deleted STCACHE3 from my SMC and it stopped the crashes, until I hit 'Select' on them all again and now it crashes the same as before.
There are 24 screens I think, so thats only 288

The Bios monitor reports

Exception : Prefetch Abort

I deleted STCACHE3 from my SMC and it stopped the crashes, until I hit 'Select' on them all again and now it crashes the same as before.
Sounds like an issue with running off theend of the hardcoded list; I'll check.. maybe its 300.. I'd been fiddlign with 300, 400, and 500 all day long :) I'll just be done with it and crank it up to 1000 and be done with it :P (or make it dynamic, but I'm trying to be lazy for the presentation part :)

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Dang, it is in fact set to a limit of 500 games; I'll bump it up and make it show how many gamea are present, too, just so we know.

The fact it crashes after *scrolling* almost certinly means somethign along those lines.. or wrapping over an 8bit unsigned char. I'll check.

(ie: Its not crashign during the dynamic parts.. scanning the directory, sorting the list, mapping it against the cache and the database.. all the good stuff is going through fine, since it happens before the menu comes up)

I'll post a 12.1 :)
