Terminator 4


UFO Robot
Feb 25, 2003
The Cast will have to have, Robert Patrik, Micheal Biehn, Kristanna Loken.

these three (humans) are on a mission to destroy a skin replication facility which they have located. At the same time John Connor, his wife and a few other guys manage to penetrate a relay station and disable the t800's ( at this point in time they are the best T's). Meanwhile at the skin facility they decode the computers processes and find that its looking for new dna for the t800's as arnie (who was once an officer in a squad) is getting a bit obvious as thats the only skin that the machines have used in the few months the t800 has been out.

This is where a new robot is revealed, it is a arachnid robot that has brainprobes to control humans it attaches itself to. So inside the skin tissue install facility they discover on their HUDs that these Spider robots are approaching, this is where they close themselves up inside the doors of the gene pool area.

they discover the body of "arnie" and decide to try and release him while the spiders are trying to bash down the door and also contact the relay station for backup. As they release him (arnie), (he gets to say 5-10 words) he wake up and thanks them for rescuing him, but there's an arachnid attached to his head and it activates making him attack the group, so they shoot him and destroy the spider (short one day trip from the office for arnie).

Relay Planes detect the help signal, and they reactivate the t800's are they close down towards the skinning facility and 3 of the t800's enter and begin to shoot, kristanna drops the twitching arachnid robot that she was holding, which makes them change their aim towards her givving micheal and patrik time to blast them.

Realising that holding an arachnid will confuse the t800's into thinking they are zombiefied they each grab ones that still had active lights on, so they manage to evade the t800's but not the spiders.

they get to the control room and turn on their hud's to hack mode enableing them to enter the facilities controller and start self destruct initiation.

This is where robert patrik gets killed by the facilities laser turrets that have reactivated as they escape, and he gets dragged by the arachnids into a chute, which leads to the outside and into a transporter.

Predicting is demise skynet sends a t800 to go back in time to change it ( previously unthinkable for both humans as it could have destroyed either of them because of its unknown factor).

At the control center they download a process script which mentions Sarah Connor as prime target. John Immediatley knows what it is (because his perception has been alterted cos of time travel in his boyhood), and also his hair begins to go all gray.

They rush back to base and he send's micheal biehn to save his mother. then his hair gets it color back, which let him know that he's safer for now.

At this point in time is where robert patrik has been scanned and rendered as a liquidmetal robot. Then theres a raid on the base with t800's and also the t1000. this is where that robot sends itself back, but a t800 which was previously modified get told to follow him by john connor.

The End. 5 year wait for T5
My proposed plot:

Arnie beats someone up then realises that no film ever can match up to terminator 2. he then takes a shit and for some reason there is a big explosion. everybody dies.
By the way if you didnt allready know:-

Arnie beats someone up then realises that no film ever can match up to terminator 2. he then takes a shit and for some reason there is a big explosion. everybody dies.

By the way if you didnt allready know:-

That is just the whole of terminator 3.The best bit was with the crane,i wish that was done to the people who made it,It should have been left alone,No more i think would be best, Its just way to commercial.Look at the first 2 they are in a totally different league,Terminator 3 just doesnt seem anything like the other 2.
my proposed plot: The machines make a ton of t-1000's and they kill all the humans. Seriously, where are you going to get a pot of molten metal to melt the T-1000 in a post apocolyptic world?
T3 is just T2 and again in my opinion, with no plot change from the first 2, appart from the nuclear blast (actually that makes it the most original).
That is just the whole of terminator 3.
hm...yeah it is. terminator 3 sucked donkey testicles. some truck crashed into a wire fence and it blew up. terminator 2 is my second/third favourite film of all time. i didnt even go and see t3 at the cinema because i didnt want to waste my money. i downloaded it and watched the first half which was boring as hell so i didnt bothered watching the second part. Putting a girl as his rival?? no way. that ruined the film. just get that guy from the x-files back in there and you have a good film.
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na just read it now. there is no way anyone can compare t2 to t3. t2 was exciting and original (well...apart from the first one but t2 is better), t3 is neither, its just a mess of special effects.
Havent seen it, T2 was the best in my opinion though.. The first had shoddy'ish animation of the model towards the end, and perhaps it was because of its time but the 2nd is the best.. not seen the 3rd film yet..

Actually the 3rd might be linked with the second and perhaps the 4th will make sense, maybe their just doing it the way they did to confuse people.. who knows :P

Who notices that arnie always makes some stupid line up in his films? in the predator near the end he's like.. looking at the camera and says 'Bad idea!' and gets thrown across the floor.. lol

who noticed his name is always something simple like 'john?' heh.. just thought id say :)