

Active Member
May 21, 2008
I hate to make another "OMGPORT TH1S LOLOLO>>S:" thread so quickly, but this game really does need to be mentioned. I heard about it on ByteJacker, and it's awesome. The game is called Teeworlds, and it's Kirby meets Metal Slug. Sounds really weird, I know, but just go check it out. It's available for Linux and open-source, so a port is at least feasible. So what do you guys think?
CronoTriggerfan said:
I hate to make another "OMGPORT TH1S LOLOLO>>S:" thread so quickly, but this game really does need to be mentioned. I heard about it on ByteJacker, and it's awesome. The game is called Teeworlds, and it's Kirby meets Metal Slug. Sounds really weird, I know, but just go check it out. It's available for Linux and open-source, so a port is at least feasible. So what do you guys think?

I think we might want to start a sticky for open source games/engines we want ported, or this could get very cluttered. There's already three threads in the top ten threads about engines/games to port.
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anexanhume said:
I think we might want to start a sticky for open source games/engines we want ported, or this could get very cluttered. There's already three threads in the top ten threads about engines/games to port.
yes, just make it STOP!
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I was thinking the same thing, but more of an entire section. There is nothing wrong with suggesting games with source code, and maybe linking the source on here, it would just be good to have a place that is extremely easy for noobs to find and maybe show some screens or a video. No one here denies the fact that certain topics are getting cluttered, but at the same time if people here didn't have a place to post games that maybe port-able I probably for one would never here of these awesome games. Just do it.
This is actually a very good game. I played this myself - very fast-paced, excellent art, and very good gameplay. I would love to see this ported too.

You guys who're hating the "port this please" posts need to lighten up a little. There's nothing wrong with this. In fact, each game almost needs its own thread (perhaps they need a forum!) to discuss the necessities that go into porting each game.
javaJake said:
This is actually a very good game. I played this myself - very fast-paced, excellent art, and very good gameplay. I would love to see this ported too.

You guys who're hating the "port this please" posts need to lighten up a little. There's nothing wrong with this. In fact, each game almost needs its own thread (perhaps they need a forum!) to discuss the necessities that go into porting each game.
Yeah, it is a great game, thanks! :P

For everyone pushing for a port sticky, that's wonderful, but contact a mod or post a separate thread instead of hijacking a perfectly good one, please. :rolleyes:
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They do indeed need a forum. They'll get one (probably called "cool ideas and other wishes") as and when Pandora is released, I imagine - as with the GP32 and the GP2x.
Tobriand said:
They do indeed need a forum. They'll get one (probably called "cool ideas and other wishes") as and when Pandora is released, I imagine - as with the GP32 and the GP2x.
Will they then finally switch the "GP32 GP2X XGP" to "GP32 GP2X Pandora" ? :lol:
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CronoTriggerfan said:
I hate to make another "OMGPORT TH1S LOLOLO>>S:" thread so quickly, but this game really does need to be mentioned. I heard about it on ByteJacker, and it's awesome. The game is called Teeworlds, and it's Kirby meets Metal Slug. Sounds really weird, I know, but just go check it out. It's available for Linux and open-source, so a port is at least feasible. So what do you guys think?

The gameplay is basically the same as LieroX, except this game has mouse support as a crutch, whereas LieroX doesn't. (And LieroX has single player)

Now it's been a while since I've been involved with LieroX users, so I had to do some searching to find some things:

http://lxalliance.net/LXRS/index.php?page=...xtreme_download <-- That has a link to a successor of LieroX that is OpenSource (I think)

And OpenLiero is very much the same gameplay, and is written by Gliptic, an old IRC buddy of mine: http://open.liero.be/

LieroX is much more customizable, too. <_<

-God Ginrai
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icurafu said:
For now, I like the flood of "OMG!!!111" topics as it promotes real discussion... Unless we get the same ones over and over or topics placed in the dev forum.
Me too. Especially useful when there are games you have never played. I've never heard of this one so now I will go look - one purpose of the thread achieved if you get people to look I'd say.

If you have one huge topic with dozens of pages people will not read it all before asking. Some people can't even read through a 2 or 3 page thread to check something hasn't been asked already.
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TaG said:
Some people can't even read through a 2 or 3 page thread to check something hasn't been asked already.
Sad, but true. -_-'

-God Ginrai
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