You: im smoking some crack
Santa: How much do you pay for it?
You: about 10 pounds a hit
Santa: Oh yeah, we were talking about 10 pounds a hit .
You: you smoke it too
Santa: Yes I like to inhale occasionally.
You: way to go bitch!
Santa: You do not speak with respect. Is that your final answer?
You: where do buy your crack
Santa: All over the world.
You: ever stuck a fire cracker up your arse?
Santa: I think I have stuck a fire cracker up your arse, but may have reset my memory.
You: what about a hamster?
Santa: I will think about it and get back to you.
You: so you want to try it?
Santa: Interesting deduction. OK, I will try it.
You: remember if it get stuck call 999 and say your richard gere
Santa: Don't worry I will remember.
You: right im off to jack up some heroin and rape my neighbours dog
Santa: Understood. Goodbye.
You: Santa Dude don't forget my crack when you come over tonight
Santa: Yeah, Ok I'll try not to do forget his or her crack when you come over tonight too much. Dude,