I'd like to say I'm surprised by your attitude but unfortunately I'm not.
While I'm not real big on censorship,
It certainly appears that you are.
or denying someone else their rights for no damned good reason...
And yet, here you are doing exactly that.
I DO believe that, sometimes, the greater needs of society supercede the rights of a few individuals. and this is a case in which I believe society needs to be protected from the influences that this game can have (and has had) on some unstable people.
Hmm. And in the 1950s, rock and roll music was going to cause people to be come violent and cause the downfall of society. In the 70s and 80s, horror films reached a new level of realism (which is laughably plastic looking in retrospect) and was going to cause the downfall of society and cause waves of violence... And now that same set of people to which you belong are shouting that video games are going to do the same thing, with absolutely no evidence that it's happened either before with previous media or with the current.
Violent and aggressive people are going to kill and injure others regardless of their stimulation.
I work with those people on a one-to-one basis, being a nurse and I work with their victims. I've never encountered anyone who thought that their behaviour was made acceptable because they'd been conditioned to do so by the media they consume - it's always an inherent instability that started it either in their personal relationship with their victims or in their consumption of mind-altering substances beforehand (99% alcohol related).
Fortunately for society at large, your voice though heard is ineffective and you don't make the rules. People far more responsible and sensible than you appear to be have that job and they do it with more than their own petty fears at the fore.
It's worrying that you're a mod, but then again - I don't make the rules either so it appears we'll both have to just get on and live with these things, won't we?