Switched Completely To Redhat 9.


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
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Mmmm. Isn't she sexy. :)

Now I spend the rest of the morning getting module dependencies. :lol:


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Thank you.

First problem of the day, crappy mp3 playback.

I've downloaded an rpm of the latest xmms and installed it to allow mp3 playback, but it's incredibly crackly. Any plugins you'd recommend?
try to switch between different output plugins (alsa, oss, esd)
Maybe some of them work better.
Ok, thank you.

Problem number 2:

checking for GLIB - version >= 2.4.0... no
*** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.
configure: error:
*** Glib 2.4.0 or better is required. The latest version of
*** Glib is always available from ftp://ftp.gtk.org/.

Trying to do ./configure on Pango, in order to get Gaim updated.

Problem being, i've cone ./configure, make, make install on Glib 2.4.1 more times than I can now remember and it's still saying it's not there.

Edit: Nevermind, fixed it by configuring Glib with --prefix=/usr
Well for the first problem, you probably have ALSA installed as your sound system, and you probably have OSS for your output plugin. ALSA has to emulate OSS sound and sometimes it doesnt do a great job of it. (OSS is the old linux sound system, ALSA is the new standard).

Second problem, try typing make clean before any new configure or make. Otherwise old compiled object libraries will still hang arround. Other then that, what are you trying to do? Install GLIB? or install something that requires GLIB? Need a bit more info here...

I love emerge...I just typed emerge glib, and it downloaded, compiled, and installed everything.
Sorry about the lack of info. :)

Was trying to compile Pango 1.4.0, a dependency for Gaim. One of it's dependencies was Glib 2.4.0 or higher, still it's been fixed now and everything's working.
Yeah, linux, without emerge, is dependancy hell, I know that. You try and install an RPM or something and get a list of 5 dependancies, each of those have their own dependancies, untill you downloaded and installed 30 different dependancies for 1 simple app. Good thing though, is that the more you do, the less dependancies you need for the next program you install. Soon you will have all of the common dependancies and not really need to go through that.
Akuma no Houkon posted on May 17 2004 at 02:41 AM said:
...untill you downloaded and installed 30 different dependancies for 1 simple app...
Too true. :)

It's what puts me off the initial install of Linux. This is the third time i've put it on, only this time it's the only OS on my system.

Still. When things are all working then i'll be happy. :)
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Yeah it is now the only OS on my PC also.

Linux is a bugger to get setup properly, (a very good learning proccess) but once you have it all setup, its a dream. Just dont try to fit into pants that are too big for you. (i.e. a couple years ago while still very new to linux, I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade XFree86 and KDE....which resulted in a complete reformat and fresh installation lol)

My sisters boyfriend came over, named a list of games that he wanted to play and wanted to know if they would work on linux, every single one of them do. He wanted to know about a quality word program, spreadsheet, etc... (openoffice.org) He is now in the proccess of installing linux only on his PC.
Not bad, not bad!

I have problems with a few of the only games that I play, under WineX. (Gunbound didn't work, unfortunately.)

As for getting into stuff that's too complex for me, I have a working knowledge of what it is i'm doing at least. :lol: I had my system in a perfect state once. No dependencies needed, I just downloaded the source, compiled and bob was very much my mother's brother.

Only I deleted the partition to make more space for windows torrent downloads. D'oh!
Remember, although it sounds odd, Wine and WineX are two separate programs, winex was originally based on wine, but their source is under a different licence and cannot be used in Wine without their permission (which they wont give), so they are by separate developers, and Wine plays many games that WineX doesnt. (and vise versa). I have both installed, if one doesnt work, I try the other.
Hrm. Odd, that.

Thanks for the advice.

Though for now I think i'll just concentrate on getting Gaim working before trying to find a version of WineX that I don't have to pay for. :lol:
I use the official (open source) AIM client, the official Yahoo client, and unofficial MSN and ICQ clients. Gaim liked to lock up in my redhat installation (havent tried it in my gentoo yet though) I would try gaim out again, but really I only use AIM, the other IM clients are for my wife.
I spend (Waste?) the majority of my time on MSN. I tried to compile AMSN ages ago or something, had no luck and have been too scared to try again. :lol:
I'll give it a try tomorrow, i'm off to bed. It's 3:20am and my mum's pissed that i'm still awake.

I'll probably wake up only to find gtk still compiling. :lol:
Well, I have a RedHat 9 setup as well. MP3 BOX Project. But I still use Win2k on my current machine and I have no gripes with using Win2k considering the things I use for it otherwise. I don't like hindering myself by just using Linux anyways. I don't even use Linux as a desktop either.
but as far as i know, there is no MSN linux client with audio support, and i need audio, so i always find myself (reluctantly) booting Windows.
To use redhat correctly and avoid the dependancies nightmare, use urpmi! I don't know the exact syntax, but it installs programs with all required dependancies. There should be Gaim .RPM packages floating arournd too, try rpmfind.net