I think I try now this Combo for the Rest of the Week and if it’s works it’s much less heavy ^^

For me, its the Swisschamp Work. Thats the one I usually take with me on longer hikes, as it has larger tools, especially the saw takes great advantage from this. I use that saw to trim some broken branches on rolled lumber after storms. In the Alps its quite often that you have to climb over a tree if you go hiking after storms and the branches can then easily damage your clothes, so I cut them back. The Swisschamp work also has a slightly bigger scissors than the standard Victorinox series, which makes it overall more usable for me. My EDC is a Victorinox Minichamp or a Swisscard. The Scissor of the Swisscard is better than the Minichamp (Very small scissors, but ok for nailcare an opening packaging), but the Minichamp seems better overall and has saved the party more than once when no other tool was at hand. Mine is now 13 years old and has survived at least two machine washeswhat model has the best scissors?
My badGood point ^^ allthought the „Swisschamp Work“ is the Workchamp ..
I have this also but I found the Scissors where a bit too low mounted to get reach easy
On my new Knive it’s a bit better ..
So we can mobilize in 24h, by foot if necessary. We got a sealed box of bullets and if the seal was broken you go to military prison. Not so fun. So we snuck bullets off the firing range in Rekrutenschule and there was a black market, of course. We also had bayonettes because we were not in the UN. So we could put invaders out of misery without wasting bullets. How thoughtful.when you where a Soldier you can take your Automatic Rifle whit you at home
So we can avoid war.be prepared for the War or something
Next step will be to forbid tea cups !!Seems like Germany will get a Knive Law that worse than Great Britain: Its not done yet but the Inside Ministery plans something like Blade Lenght only 6 cm or under, and the Fixed Blade Knives will get forbidden completly, who where allready limited to 12 cm, this means also a Swisscard as its Blade could be seen as fixed ;(
We also would have nice sharp baïonnette but we were forced to join the stupid Geneva convention. It just means our enemies suffer longer (and less economical) deaths. Not really a problem..I know, the Knive Laws in Swizzerland are lots lots more easy, so they can use much bigger knives or something.. , but im not Swiss, .. ^^
If there is one thing certain, it's that criminals will abide by the law.Seems like Germany will get a Knive Law that worse than Great Britain: Its not done yet but the Inside Ministery plans something like Blade Lenght only 6 cm or under.