Swiss Army Knive, the Pyra under the Sharp Tools

Just a small review on my new knive :
It’s also a Wenger Knive, but made by Victorinox (and whit there Lifetime Warranty) , whit Lockable Blade, , Saw, Pliers, Scissors (Wenger Style), Nail Cleaner/File where a normal Vic got a small blade and the usual Bottle and Can Opener, Ale and Kork Screw on the other side of the Body..

The Scales ditnt have the black „Grip Parts“ so from a distance it’s looks like a normal Victorinox, but maybe this might be good when you want to have it in Country’s where Lockable Blades where illegal like French..

It’s feels quite confortable, only the parts where the Scales are connect to the Metal feel a Bit sharp ..

I can Acces the Scissors whitout big issues , and the Blade whit Gloves which is great ..





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what model has the best scissors?
For me, its the Swisschamp Work. Thats the one I usually take with me on longer hikes, as it has larger tools, especially the saw takes great advantage from this. I use that saw to trim some broken branches on rolled lumber after storms. In the Alps its quite often that you have to climb over a tree if you go hiking after storms and the branches can then easily damage your clothes, so I cut them back. The Swisschamp work also has a slightly bigger scissors than the standard Victorinox series, which makes it overall more usable for me. My EDC is a Victorinox Minichamp or a Swisscard. The Scissor of the Swisscard is better than the Minichamp (Very small scissors, but ok for nailcare an opening packaging), but the Minichamp seems better overall and has saved the party more than once when no other tool was at hand. Mine is now 13 years old and has survived at least two machine washes \o/. The Philips screwdriver was used veeery often to open up equipment for repair.
I also have an old Wenger from my granddad. I don't use it often, as it's more like the Swisschamp XLT, so too big to use. The scissors on that model have teeth. That makes them catch while cutting. For me personally the non teethed are better, as you can cut larger pieces through sliding the scissors, but that's personal opinion. The teeth make that cutting technique harder to use if not impossible, depending on the material one tries to cut.
I recently added a Victorinox Cybertool L to the park, as I'm working quite a lot with computers and installation. Having a small bitset always at hand is quite good (I need the Philips and T8 the most). The Scissors on that are ok, but smaller than on the Swisschamp Work. I carry it only on occasions, where I expect to use it, as it's quite heavy, too. Usually I just have my Minichamp with me, but I wish they made one with a small plier instead of the orange peeler to pull wires or the like. The orange peeler is quite useless in my opinion. Has anybody here found a good use for this thing?
Good point ^^ allthought the „Swisschamp Work“ is the Workchamp ..
I have this also but I found the Scissors where a bit too low mounted to get reach easy
On my new Knive it’s a bit better ..
Just a few pictures to show the difference:
Swisschamp XLT where it’s works best
Workchamp XL where it’s a bit blocked by the Bottle Opener
Evo S52 where the Unlock Lever locks like it’s blocks but it’s still better ..


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I know Switzerland is much more liberal in therms of „Weapon Laws“ if I remember correctly when you where a Soldier you can take your Automatic Rifle whit you at home to be prepared for the War or something..

But I can tell that theses SAK are quite useful even for Swiss Natives ^^
Good point ^^ allthought the „Swisschamp Work“ is the Workchamp ..
I have this also but I found the Scissors where a bit too low mounted to get reach easy
On my new Knive it’s a bit better ..
My bad :oops:
I meant Workchamp of course.
It's indeed true, that the Scissors on that Model are a bit hard to reach, but if you don't cut your nails all the way back, it's not a real problem. I bought it mainly for the larger tools and the lockable blade, which is safer to handle in outdoor situations.
For me, the positioning of the screwdrivers on the Workchamp is a bit suboptimal, as they have really strong springs and are a bit hard to open. I like the fact of the small philips blade to be that long, tough.
when you where a Soldier you can take your Automatic Rifle whit you at home
So we can mobilize in 24h, by foot if necessary. We got a sealed box of bullets and if the seal was broken you go to military prison. Not so fun. So we snuck bullets off the firing range in Rekrutenschule and there was a black market, of course. We also had bayonettes because we were not in the UN. So we could put invaders out of misery without wasting bullets. How thoughtful.

be prepared for the War or something
So we can avoid war.
Seems like Germany will get a Knive Law that worse than Great Britain: Its not done yet but the Inside Ministery plans something like Blade Lenght only 6 cm or under, and the Fixed Blade Knives will get forbidden completly, who where allready limited to 12 cm, this means also a Swisscard as its Blade could be seen as fixed ;( , and these Neck Knives even if they are quite small..
And they want to ban "Semi Automatic Rifles" you can have whit a Weapons Licence Card, and Crossbows, Machetes, ..

So whit a normal Swiss Army Knive, you are a bit under 6 cm whit the blade, but i would assume these are not that sutuable for Bushcraft

Might be good enough to cut some bread, or better french baguettes and Chese or Sausage, open up wine bottles, or Beer Caps, and Cans,

So i dit the right thing by buying the SAK whit the 6cm lockable blade, as my EDC Knive, but im quite annoyed ..

A few years ago they banned One Hand Open Blades so even Leatherman..
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Seems like Germany will get a Knive Law that worse than Great Britain: Its not done yet but the Inside Ministery plans something like Blade Lenght only 6 cm or under, and the Fixed Blade Knives will get forbidden completly, who where allready limited to 12 cm, this means also a Swisscard as its Blade could be seen as fixed ;(
Next step will be to forbid tea cups !!

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i think after i did unddust my shelf, i can build up a nice tiny Multitool Collection , ..
Since last Friday i have now a normal Swisschamp in Blue Transparent (Plusscales whit Pen and Needle), , works quite good, its got everything i would really need, even an Magnifiar Glass, and its Scissors are on a Position where i can open them even when my Nails are short..

I think its 33 Tools, but still small enough that you can hold it in your hand to work whit the Blade..
I know, the Knive Laws in Swizzerland are lots lots more easy, so they can use much bigger knives or something.. , but im not Swiss, .. ^^
We also would have nice sharp baïonnette but we were forced to join the stupid Geneva convention. It just means our enemies suffer longer (and less economical) deaths. Not really a problem..
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What is Swizzerland btw? Is it like Europapark?
Its not that fancy like the Cybertool whit its Bit Driver, but as i have the Swisschamp now since 6 Months i can say im quite happy whit it, allhough the only Tools i had used much are the Small and Big Blade, Bottle Opener and Scissors, so stuff even a Compact (or the new "Companion") would work for its works perfectly, i can reach the Scissors even whit short Fingernails which makes it quite usefull, and its not too heavy to carry everyday..

Im just thinking about a second only blade knive now, my Orange Victorinox Hunter might be much too big, so im look now for a 2 Hand Looking blade so its still german law compatible..
or i stay whit the Champ as my only Blade, its a bit thicker but its cuts quite nice..
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Its not that fancy like the Cybertool whit its Bit Driver, but as i have the Swisschamp now since 6 Months i can say im quite happy whit it, allhough the only Tools i had used much are the Small and Big Blade, Bottle Opener and Scissors, so stuff even a Compact (or the new "Companion") would work for its works perfectly, i can reach the Scissors even whit short Fingernails which makes it quite usefull, and its not too heavy to carry everyday..

Im just thinking about a second only blade knive now, my Orange Victorinox Hunter might be much too big, so im look now for a 2 Hand Looking blade so its still german law compatible..
or i stay whit the Champ as my only Blade, its a bit thicker but its cuts quite nice..
Seems like Germany will get a Knive Law that worse than Great Britain: Its not done yet but the Inside Ministery plans something like Blade Lenght only 6 cm or under.
If there is one thing certain, it's that criminals will abide by the law. ;)
Probably laws like these will reduce the amount of 'weapons' in Germany, so the chance of an opportunistic offense is lowered. But there will still be knifes and also criminals.