Support Some questions about xperia play

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Looking at the xperia play,

have some questions on the phone

1) Can the phone play emulators at full speed? (Snes, genesis, neo-geo, PSX, N64, GBA, etc)

2) Can the phone play all of the games / and use all of the apps in the normal android market?

3) Do the android games work with the gamepad, or only xperia play optimized phones?

4) Are there a lot of xperia play optimzed games for the phone?

5) What is the battery life of the phone with games and using internet, movies, music.

6) Is the phone more powerful than the samsung captivate (processor, etc)

7) Is the phone outdated and unable to play newer games such as phones with dual core, nvida tegra games, etc. Is it better to get a dual core phone, or wait until a newer version of the phone with better specs?

8) Will an att simcard work with the xperia play?
1) Can the phone play emulators at full speed? (Snes, genesis, neo-geo, PSX, N64, GBA, etc)

2) Can the phone play all of the games / and use all of the apps in the normal android market?

3) Do the android games work with the gamepad, or only xperia play optimized phones?

4) Are there a lot of xperia play optimzed games for the phone?

5) What is the battery life of the phone with games and using internet, movies, music.

6) Is the phone more powerful than the samsung captivate (processor, etc)

7) Is the phone outdated and unable to play newer games such as phones with dual core, nvida tegra games, etc. Is it better to get a dual core phone, or wait until a newer version of the phone with better specs?

8) Will an att simcard work with the xperia play?
1)yes, yes, yes, mostly about 75% of the games, ehh about 10% of the games, yes, what else?

2)if there is no device restrictions (can't see or download order & choas in market for example)

3)a lot of games use the dpad, the optical touchpad is xperia play optimized apps

4) about 20-30 some really good quality games too, pocket legends, dungeon defenders, and zenonia 2 being my favorite to date

5)depends on how you use it, with my extended battery I see 12+ hours of actual gameplay, 5 hours stock... YMMV

6)I've seen scores that favor the galaxy s line, and I've seen some that favor the Qualcomm w/ Adreno GPU I have both lines of phone, they're about the same performance wise honestly.

7)it doesn't have a tegra gpu in it, and it is starting to show it's age in specs with some top shelf games, but everything I play on it runs great. Top of the line and bottom shelf phones that are out right now are basically the same, anything 1GHZ gen will run anything in the market just fine.

8)nobody has answered it, someone offered to let me borrow their prepaid sim for testing in US, but never got back with me... so it's still unknown. I'm pretty sure the 3g will not work, the voice and 1x data I'm guessing will work.