I have just uploaded a new port...Super Tirititran by CaninoStudios
This a classic shmup but ambiented on the city of Cadiz (in Spain).
Its a spanish game and spanish is the only language available for the game...
i have tried to change it but is a BIG work and don't have such time (and motivation), plus is not essential to play the game.
Warning : This game is very hungry about RAM, if you (like me) have a 256MB Pandora use the swap tools and enable a swapfile BEFORE run the game...otherwise tend to crash.
Maybe on 512MB ram Pandoras this is not a problem...
Keys are fixed and is not possible to change in game :
DPAD = move
Return = select options
A or B (button) = primary fire
X (button) = secondary fire
SPACE = access intercom (talk with other)
R (rear button) = access extra items
L (rear button) = choise selected item
P = Pause
S = take screenshot
ESC = Quit
Download here http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=Tirititran
This a classic shmup but ambiented on the city of Cadiz (in Spain).
Its a spanish game and spanish is the only language available for the game...
i have tried to change it but is a BIG work and don't have such time (and motivation), plus is not essential to play the game.
Warning : This game is very hungry about RAM, if you (like me) have a 256MB Pandora use the swap tools and enable a swapfile BEFORE run the game...otherwise tend to crash.
Maybe on 512MB ram Pandoras this is not a problem...
Keys are fixed and is not possible to change in game :
DPAD = move
Return = select options
A or B (button) = primary fire
X (button) = secondary fire
SPACE = access intercom (talk with other)
R (rear button) = access extra items
L (rear button) = choise selected item
P = Pause
S = take screenshot
ESC = Quit
Download here http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=Tirititran