Super Mario 64 Lags...

EDIT: Checked sound config, was set at 100%.

(He, by the way)

And that's the way I have it set up Chaos. I changed a few options but put them back the way they were.

SONY: Go into the config file for the vid plugin and scroll down to the bottom - it's the third batch of options from the bottom of the file.
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Yea like maxima said it's in the conf file. Frame render rate is the setting. Apparently 2 is a frameskip of 1 so I don't understand what the numbers mean *scratches head* but mine's set to the default of 2.

And Maxima I have no idea =\ sorry. Maybe somebody else has had your problem and can shed some light on it. Hope you figure it out.
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@ Chaos

How do you get "Audio Plugin: notaz's OSS audio r2"

On mine it's "Audio Plugin: notaz's OSS audio r1"

@ BM

Could you please do a screenshot of where the frameskip is...unless you mean the actual 'notepad' thing where you literally have to manually type sh*t in?
Ok, thanks Chaos. I'll just stick to my R1 for now, seeing as I'm not having any graphical or sound problems.

@ BM

A full reflash and reinstall Mupen64+ is the only thing I can think of.
If I full-reflash I lose some of the tweaks I've done...

But how do I reflash and how long does it take?
Tweaks in Mupen? No.

EvilDragon said:
Full-Flash Image

Note: When flashing a full-flash image, you lose ALL your settings. The unit will behave as it was just brand new.

Easy: Download the zipped image and extract the full contents onto the root of your SD Card.

Put the SD Card into slot 1 (the left one), switch on the Pandora while holding the R-Shoulder button and select "boot from SD1:1"

The flashing process should start. After it's finished, reboot the unit.

The first boot will take a while (up to 10 minutes). Patiently wait and you'll be greeted with the First Boot Wizard.
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Thank you very much. :)

By the way, in relation to the quote below...I've deleted my Mupen64+ that I got from

It seems that the one you have (that I have now, thanks to you) is much more stable, but there are quite a few DIFFERENCES, which I'll talk about tomorrow (the pros and cons).

It came with it. I don't have the option to choose R1. I downloaded mine here.,0,0,0,5,382

Yes it's the "notepad thing" known as a .conf file "where you literally have to manually type shit in."
Interesting, I look forward to hearing about the pros and cons. This s the only version I've used, other than the worthless ones that lagged with anything less than 950mhz.
I would have done a full reflash but for some reason my SD card isn't letting me format it properly.

I'll try the one linked a post or two above.

Nope, didn't work, even after deleting appdata. And I can't reflash either. :(
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Yes, Gparted, my SD card has two partitions and any time I try to format the first one, it says that the device is still mounted, any attempt to unmount gives me an error.

Manually ejecting the card doesn't work, neither does restarting, and formatting the first partition in Windows then trying on my Pandora doesn't work either.
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Yes, Gparted, my SD card has two partitions and any time I try to format the first one, it says that the device is still mounted, any attempt to unmount gives me an error.

Manually ejecting the card doesn't work, neither does restarting, and formatting the first partition in Windows then trying on my Pandora doesn't work either.
What error? Have you tried unmounting with the terminal as sudo?
Apparently 2 is a frameskip of 1 so I don't understand what the numbers mean *scratches head*
Frameskip N means display every Nth frame.

If it is 1, it displays every single frame. If it is 2, it displays every second frame (skipping 1). If it is 9, it displays every ninth frame, skipping 8. Etc...

It's just syntactic sugar, a different way of saying the same thing. Either the emulator says "display every Nth frame (skipping every N-1 frames)" or "skip N frames (displaying every N+1th frame)"