Suggestion: Open Pandora scene multisite username checker


Active Member
Oct 6, 2008
Vienna, Austria
In the user registration process at the various Open Pandora related sites (board, wiki, repo, bugtracker, …) I suggest to display the following hint:

Before registering your username here, you can run the Pandora sphere username checker, which tests whether the desired username already exists within any of the many OpenPandora related sites:

  • As a courtesy to other users, in order to not take their name away on other sites.
  • For your own convenience, to achieve a uniform nickname on all the OpenPandora sites, as a new arriving community member.


  1. Which Open Pandora relates websites (with user registration) do you know of? Anyone please add missing URLs to the list on the related wiki workgroup page.
  2. Which site operators are willing to cooperate? Site operators, please participate in the discussion here, and if you have readiness, please add your confirmation plus remarks to the related wiki workgroup page. Requirements for participating site operators:

  3. Offer a software interface (API) for testing whether a username exists at your site.
  4. Display the hint and link to or embed the checking service (iframe) into the registration page/process of your site.
[*]We need a web developer to create that multisite username checking service. Developer volunteers, please participate in the discussion process here, or enlist your dedication right in the related wiki workgroup page.
I'd say its a pretty good idea, as I'm pretty sure I accidentally stole this name from someone on gp32x :unsure:
I'll be sure to help :)

but its midnight and I have exams tomorrow starting at 8, heh. I'll do what I can afterwards ^_^
Just a quick note as I don't have much time to help out with this, but is PandoraPress included in the site list? If not, it should be. :P

EDIT: It's not in the list.
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@Prometheus: The advantage of a wiki: You can read AND edit it!

So if you find missing sites, please add them (yourself to help put some workload off me).
I do know how a wiki works, thankyou.

As I said, I don't have the time, but I didn't want to leave it unmentioned, for those who do. :P
I stole my username from a guy on, and my avatar from one of the mods on here :-)

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@moz: Thanks a lot for completing the list!

@moz and other volunteers: You could help me with one more task: Find out who is/are the operator(s) of that sites, and in the wiki list, next to the respective URLs, write their board usernames, linked to the board user-profile-page (or another platform's user-profile-page if this user is not present on the main boards). I will then contact them via board PM or other means and ask for their participation. Example: - Alma - benjamin + CheSter - daniel
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Again the call to everyone: Could you please add the operators of that community sites to the wiki? Thanks!
UPDATE: Today, Wally deleted the related wiki page with the reason "Old information. No longer used / valid.".

I do not know how to read out the elder revisions of a deleted wiki page.

If someone knows, I would be glad, if you could extract it and paste the contents in a post below. Thanks!

Maybe someone will pick up the idea for a multisite username check at a later time.
1) Thanks.

2) For the next time, I kindly ask you to read carefully before deleting. The wiki page states:

In the user registration process at the various Open Pandora related sites (board, wiki, repo, bugtracker, …) Porg suggests to display the following hint:

Before registering your username here, you can run the Pandora sphere username checker, which tests whether the username already exists within any other OpenPandora related sites: […]
It was a design suggestion, which was sadly yet not implemented, although some users would like to have (had) that feature, as it makes sense socially.

Current developments show that there would be a real demand for this!

Such as the board advertising Compo4all, a special MAME software, which allows online competition.

Yet another Pandora related online community with usernames!

Thus it would be nice for people with courtesy to have a multisite username checker,

to ensure that they don't "steal" away another community member's nick/name.

I will place a link over there to here.

(UPDATE: I posted over there)
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Well, if someone does code such a tool, it makes sense... but such checker doesn't exist yet, does it?
No it does not yet exist. Basically these approaches come to my mind:

The admins of those sites would need to provide

  • either an API to inquiry wether a username exists at their site (or the ugly way: try certain URL patterns<username> and detect it from the response)
  • or regularly update their username-list to the multisite username check server.