Sudoku - 0.1a Available!


Dec 21, 2004
A few days ago, I was introduced to the newest puzzle game craze, Sudoku. This game is simple yet addictive, just like all good games. I was shocked to find that no GP32 version was available. So I got started on creating my own version, and it is already in a playable state! You are able to play the puzzle, but this is what hasn't been implemented yet:

- Checking that puzzle has been completed successfully (you can manually check, though)
- Loading multiple puzzles (it will automatically load the puzzle stored in "GPMM/PUZZLE1.SUD"), a proper puzzle loading mechanism will be created.


FLU/BLU version tested on hardware, working.
BLU+ version not tested yet.
Neither version works on GeePee32, only on hardware.

Readme file:

║          SUDOKU by Fabre          ║
║          For GamePark 32          ║
║ 1 ║ Place the SUDOKU.FXE and      ║
║   ║ PUZZLE1.SUD files in GPMM and ║
║   ║ boot the game on the GP32.    ║
║ 2 ║ Use the A button to continue  ║
║   ║ at the title screen, and the  ║
║   ║ game field should display.    ║
║ 3 ║ Use L/R to choose a number -  ║
║   ║ the currently selected number ║
║   ║ is displayed at the left side ║
║   ║ of the game field - and use   ║
║   ║ the digital stick to move the ║
║   ║ cursor around.                ║
║ 4 ║ Use A to place a number on    ║
║   ║ the board, and B to clear a   ║
║   ║ number. Only squares with red ║
║   ║ numbers may be edited.        ║
║ 5 ║ No method to verify that you  ║
║   ║ have correctly finished a     ║
║   ║ puzzle has been implemented   ║
║   ║ yet, so you will have to      ║
║   ║ manually check.               ║
║ Thanks to: the entire GP32 scene, ║
║ but especially to MrsNature, Pea, ║
║ Mr.Mirko and Blah for helping     ║
║ with this project!                ║
║  Expect the final, complete game  ║
║     by the end of the week :D     ║


It should look approximately like these simulated screenshots -



Download: - FLU/BLU - BLU+

Update -

Files are now also available in the GP32x File Archive:,0,0,0,25,712 - FLU/BLU,0,0,0,25,713 - BLU+

Also, the finishing touches on this game are coming together quite quickly (thanks to a long weekend), so the final version may be ready in just a few days!
yeah cool game :) I like this style of puzzle without mathematics (and it seems japanese :) yeah)
wow Sudoku makes me realize that we miss a Go game with single player mode!
very well done :)

some remarks and questions:
1. i would like to be able to put numbers in 2 different colors in the field, one color meaning i'm sure that's right, another color for temporary numbers that are probably right ^^

2. how to make new levels? ^^

3. keep us up to date, i was waiting for this :D, i hope for one that measures time, has more levels and sees when you complete it soon ^^
This is great, worked perfectly on my BLU+. I look forward to (or at least my missus will) playing the final version!
I wish I had known about that before I started making it :P

Do you guys think it is still worthwhile for me to finish my version?
I wish I had known about that before I started making it :P

Do you guys think it is still worthwhile for me to finish my version?
Depends on whether you have anything else that you want to make, or whether you think the GBZx version could be improved in any way.
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After having a think about it, I don't have anything else to do, so I will finish my version. I will try to add features to differentiate it from the other version.
I just thought I would give an update. Work on the game is steadily progressing, and some features have been implemented already. I will wait until I have included as much as I can before I release the next version. But for now, I have a question. I decided to do a mock-up of a different style for the graphics, but I was wondering which style you guys like best. Below is the new style, and under that is the current style.



You will also notice that I have retitled the game "Fabre's Sudoku", to avoid any confusion.
I too like the japanese look better (the second picture). It also makes me warm feelings :D I mean blue just looks so cold.