Stupid Questions About Psp Firmware.


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May 21, 2003
Eastbourne SE England
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Hi, haven't been here for a while.

I recently ordered a Japanese (v1.0) PSP from ebay. (this one to be exact.) due to xboxmodchips selling out.

I have some questions about the firmware updates.

1: If I buy U.S. Copies of some original launch games (thinking about wipeout, lumines & Hot shots golf), Will they update the firmware to 1.5? Should I buy the Japanese versions to avoid this?

2: I think I read that the firmware only updates if the PSP is plugged into a power source and it will not update on batteries, is this true?

3: Does it give you an option to update or can it do it automatically?

4: Is it that much hassel to run homebrew stuff & emualtors these days with 1.5 & KXploit v1.50?

I'm sorry, no doubt this has been discussed all over the net a million times but I'm just a bit confused by reading different things from different sources. Things like "it's inevitable your PSP will update".

Thanks for reading and sorry I haven't been round here for a while since selling by GP, I miss you guys :( . (A pspX type website/forums would be cool wouldn't it?).
1) Nope, these games are fine.

2) No idea, although it would make sense. I assume it would make you update before you could play it though, and only Coded Arms at the minute forces you to upgrade to 1.50.

3) It gives you the choice, but you can't play without updating.

4) Kxploit is no hassle at all. It just creates an extra folder with a % in front of it.
At the moment, games which require a higher firmware version than the one you are running display a message should as "The game could not be started. The system software needs to be updated." or equivalent - it's upto you if you actually update the system or not, but the game will not run until you do (utilities are available to bypass this check though).

As for 1.50 homebrew, it's no hassle at all, once the homebrew is installed on your memory stick, just browse to the stick and choose from the menu selection just as the 1.0 firmware.

In fact, I'd prefer the 1.50 firmware, as more games are compatible with it.
Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2005 at 06:33 PM said:
did you read his feedback??

Sent a 1.5 not a 1.0

Hope you get the one you paid for :)

Hmmmm... No, that comment has only just appeared!

Though I notice that on that auction's title v1.0 is not mentioned, where as it is on the one I won.

Anyway, if 1.5 isn't too much hassel, I'd probably end up updating anyway, so I'll wait and see.

Cheers for the help.
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Damn them PSP's are cheap.

/me knows where this summers pay is going.

EDIT: BTW, Welcome back pubjoe!
finty posted on Jul 3 2005 at 07:45 PM said:
Damn them PSP's are cheap.

/me knows where this summers pay is going.

EDIT: BTW, Welcome back pubjoe!

Cheers finty, I've been missing your crotch ;)
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shinneri posted on Jul 3 2005 at 07:19 PM said:
pubjoe posted on Jul 3 2005 at 12:45 PM said:
A pspX type website/forums would be cool wouldn't it?
It's being worked on. :D

I'm thinking this is it:

Hehe, no it's not :P
But the domain name is similar. It should soon be up, it's already in the testing stages.

And, same as gp32x, the site has a file archive run by me (which is already up on
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At this moment it doesn't really matter if you get a 1.0 or 1.5.

You can run the homebrew on each equally, with only a very small amount of extra 'trouble' to get it running on the 1.5.

So if you get the wrong one don't even worry about it.
None so far.

Coool EvilDragon.... Getting a bit fed up with

You'll have to link in Clare's PSP compatibility list on:

Its a rewrite of her GP32 compatibility list, after I pointed people at her site for an example of a decent compatibility list....

i know its probable been said soooo many times but im getting a psp tomorrow and my quistion is would the firmware be 1.5? it was bought from japan(my home country :D) a week ago so what firmaware is it going to be? i cant wait till 2morrow!!!
finty posted on Jul 5 2005 at 12:15 AM said:
It is and the guy who runs it is an idiot.

I have to agree - I liked it to start with, but its been really getting on my nerves the last couple of weeks - and its not very stable either...

It seems that a lot of the boards talking about psp are getting into the illegal thing - psp-spot for one - although pspupdates (formerly psphacker) are now trying to distance themselves from that side of things - BUT I don't like their fora or the stupidly intrusive amount of adverts they have.

Much prefer it over here.... (even though I'm going to sell my GP32 in the near future...)
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saintdragon posted on Jul 5 2005 at 12:38 AM said:
i know its probable been said soooo many times but im getting a psp tomorrow and my quistion is would the firmware be 1.5? it was bought from japan(my home country :D) a week ago so what firmaware is it going to be? i cant wait till 2morrow!!!

It could be a 1.5, but it also could be a 1.51 or above since it's being bought from Japan, which is where they come from. You'd be best getting one from the USA, as your pretty much guaranteed to get a 1.5 from there.

Just wait until tomorrow and see!
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well it doesnt matter what firmware iv got now, its too late iv got my psp already with ridge and its boom bangin(really good)! lol! hope its a 1.5!