Stuck On Loading (no I Didnt Do Any Sort Of Firmware Update)


Still Fresh
Jul 7, 2008
Maryland, United States
hi all, have gp2x f-200, firmware 4.0, i didnt do any kind of firmware update or anything. Been playing it like normal, turn it on one day and it's stuck at loading screen. Tried plugging into wall and removing batteries, same thing, tried new batteries, same thing. Anyone have any ideas?
bboyneko said:
hi all, have gp2x f-200, firmware 4.0, i didnt do any kind of firmware update or anything. Been playing it like normal, turn it on one day and it's stuck at loading screen. Tried plugging into wall and removing batteries, same thing, tried new batteries, same thing. Anyone have any ideas?
Do you ever hear the boot sound? If not there may be issue with the nand memory. If the sound goes then kernel has loaded.
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ok tried starting it without sdhc card, it loads fine, stick card back in, i can navigate through the menus, but if I try to start anything like picodrive or any of my other programs then it just freezes, black screen. Card is brand new and been working fine, unit is brand new too.

What are these symptoms indicative of? Corrupted card? I'll try reformatting it and see what happens, I also have a spare card I'll try that also. The card that has issues is a transcend 8 gig, i have a crucial 8 gig card i'll try.

also yes, the lovely ba-da-DAAAA DAAAAA da music plays on powerup.