Firmware Help Needed


Still Fresh
Dec 11, 2008
i use to have a gp2x 100 with fireware 4.0 with the hdsc support installed when i first got it,and it was the first one i owned for about a week till it had i bit of a accedent.a helpful reader on these pages is possabily going to sell me another gp2x 100 with firmware 3.0 installed.whats the safest way of getting hdsc memory card support from 3.0 i.e updaeing/downgrading firmware.and is it easy to do cos im still a bit new to this.the firmware i did have (4.0) i downloaded to check the info out but it didnt have a read me on how to update firmware (is it still hold select+start when you turn on gp2x ?) and what i should put on the memory is it every thing in the file i downloadeed ?.any answers would be very helpful
It's SDHC, not 'hdsc' (I'm guessing that's what you mean).

I've heard Notaz's patch is safer to use than updating to 4.0, search for it.

Sort your sentences out.
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i use to have a gp2x 100 with fireware 4.0 with the hdsc support installed when i first got it,and it was the first one i owned for about a week till it had i bit of a accedent.a helpful reader on these pages is possabily going to sell me another gp2x 100 with firmware 3.0 installed.whats the safest way of getting hdsc memory card support from 3.0 i.e updaeing/downgrading firmware.and is it easy to do cos im still a bit new to this.the firmware i did have (4.0) i downloaded to check the info out but it didnt have a read me on how to update firmware (is it still hold select+start when you turn on gp2x ?) and what i should put on the memory is it every thing in the file i downloadeed ?.any answers would be very helpful

For upgrading/downgrading from 3.0.0 yes its still select+start, i had 2.1.2 and it was very nice, then upgraded to 4.0.0, i didnt downgrade again cause i dont trust my batteries and i liked the "multitasking" feature (shame on me :P ). Make a decision, just remember, you cant upgrade/downgrade with the SDHC yet (you still dont have support for it), you must use a normal SD. Am i right?
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'pandora' said:
Did you even read my post?
thanx for the help last thing is it ok to jump from fireware 3.0 to firmware 4.0 ?.i just ask cos some firmwares you have to go up in stages.if its ok to put srraight on over 3.0.i take it ypu put everything on the download on a freshiy (32FAT) formated memory card ?
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