hey! Has anyone ever heard of the game engine stratagus? Well it basically is an engine to provide a framework for real time strategy games. It is developed under gpl using sdl and is ofcourse platform independent. There is two games made for it that look quite nice already!
check out those screenshots!
first one is a futuristic command and conquer like clone called battle for survival:
second one doesn't have screenshots but works with the original Dos content of warcraft2 !!! So simply think back to the times when humans got to fight those nasty orcs for the second time on the pc!!!
This would be an awesome port! I guess I would really love digging up that old warcraft 2 cd from my "old dos junk" box
mouse support would be kinda weird though but I remember playing warcraft one with keyboard only back in the days... so it would be possible and playable!
check out those screenshots!
first one is a futuristic command and conquer like clone called battle for survival:
second one doesn't have screenshots but works with the original Dos content of warcraft2 !!! So simply think back to the times when humans got to fight those nasty orcs for the second time on the pc!!!
This would be an awesome port! I guess I would really love digging up that old warcraft 2 cd from my "old dos junk" box