Good ports to be done I think


Washo 4 evr
Oct 3, 2003
France (Marseille)
Visit site
Hi everyone,
I think some games could be ported...:
-Command & Conquer (+ext pack)
-Maybe RedAlert (using the dos version)
-Warcraft I & II
-Need for Speed (the 1st one)
-Diablo I (This one has been started but I lost the page where I saw it)
-Maybe Im dreaming but DukeNukem3d would be great ;)
-Enough for today...

All those games are old (so maybe in public domain) & they re using 320*240*256 colors (or 64K).
Good idea, bad research. All of these games are closed source, meaning that unless they were willing to part with the sourcecode (which they aren't) there is no way to port(convert the code to another system) these games.

Some companies give out their code after a few years, like ID (doom), or freeware games sometimes give out their sourcecode, but then the games are newer and very unoptomized, and usually not that good.

Look for games that are opensource for linux or using sdl and then you could list some portable games (like Rick Dangerous for the GP32 from linux using sdl, very good game, great graphics).

If you are willing to try a simple port, find a easy game using sdl on the linux (or even windows) that you can get the code for, and try it yourself. Pacman is usually a good place to start, and now that the gp32 supports a sdl library, good things are getting easier.

Your fellow GPier,
thank U very much for help...
I tought that 10 years old games would be now open...Bad luck
Maybe I'll be working with Pacman.
I guess we'll meet again but in the dev' part

See you
There are 3 games form that list that you could probably port

Duke 3D
Civilization (a port of FreeCiv)
Warcraft 2 (a port of Freecraft)

FreeCiv and Freecraft would require hefty work, as they are pretty much made for PCs only. They could be ported, but I doubt anyone would bother.

Duke3D on the other hand would be relatively easy to port. It no longer has any x86 asm, has been ported to SDL, and is released under the GPL. Now if someone could port that (AND ABIDE BY THE FUCKING TERMS OF THE GPL <_< ) I would be very happy :P
That port is stil in early stages, you would be better off porting Dune Legacy (a dune 2 reverse engineering job, quite nice)