GP2X Stratagus So We Can Play Warcraft2 On The Gp2x!!!


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
hey! Has anyone ever heard of the game engine stratagus? Well it basically is an engine to provide a framework for real time strategy games. It is developed under gpl using sdl and is ofcourse platform independent. There is two games made for it that look quite nice already!

check out those screenshots!

first one is a futuristic command and conquer like clone called battle for survival:

second one doesn't have screenshots but works with the original Dos content of warcraft2 !!! So simply think back to the times when humans got to fight those nasty orcs for the second time on the pc!!!

This would be an awesome port! I guess I would really love digging up that old warcraft 2 cd from my "old dos junk" box :P mouse support would be kinda weird though but I remember playing warcraft one with keyboard only back in the days... so it would be possible and playable!
oh and in the faq section of wargus it says that they are working on starcraft and warcraft 1 support.... omfg...
I thought that the Strategus boys got into a legal spat with Blizzard over adding SC support.

well command and conquer worked well on the playstation aswell as there was a starcraft version for i believe the n64 that didn't make use of a mouse! So it would work quite well... warcraft 1 also was playable without the mouse... I actually finished the game without a mouse, so why should it be different with warcraft 2 ???
I didn't really play it, but yes, there is a Starcraft version for N64.
We already got The Lost Vikings, so next piece would be Warcraft... then Warcraft ||, then Starcraft, ok, and then we would run out of power ;D
This looks cool, it'd be great to be able to play a rts or two on the go, and it'd help expand the popularity of the engine.
If the GP2X had a way to play StarCraft, I'd order it in a snap! Same goes for the DS, which I actually think would be quite suitable for it due to its touch screen.

- Alex
Sooo... has anyone thought of giving this a shot? Would be awesome!!!
I got warcraft one working on a dosbox emulator on the hardware emulator for arm. I had problems with it on gp2x though because dosbox needs some work. I'm keen to get involved with a port if others are keen to help. I could spend a far bit of time optimizing as well if someone wants to lay the groundwork. the warcraft series and starcraft are the main games i want. I'm also looking into getting KKND working on it as well. All of those games made it to consoles as well and are quite playable.
well it should be possible to do...

stratagus works in 640*480, but we can force 320*240 a divide the sprite size by 2 (change only in graphic.c i think?)
change the controls to handle GP2X buttons...

and... it's all?

if i had one or two days free, i would try it, but i dont have any minute free ;)
damn... that would be really awesome! If somebody else would be so nice to give this a try...
Well first somebody still needs to port it to gp2x at all... and yeah, support for starcraft would be tha shiznit ;-)