stop worrying about GP32's future


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
buncha panicky so-n-so's

who cares if the european release is killed! it was looking more and more like a half-assed effort anyway. I mean let's face it, the whole campaign (in any country) has always been kind of half-assed as opposed to, say, the aggressive assault of a system like a Nintendo or a Sony. So the tragedy is that we'll probably not see translated versions of some of the RPG's, well that's a bummer I guess, but -- who among you REALLY wanted to buy this thing for modern commercial RPGs to begin with? I am no expert, but it looks like the best product of that sort is going to GBA right now (and eventually PSP I am sure). And there's plenty of back-catalogue available as it is for the existing systems anyway (those that are emulated on GP32). If people put half as much effort into finding decent translated versions of older SNES RPG's as they do into whining about when they'll see the latest GP32-specific titles are going to finally make the rounds.. well, you see my point.

I never cared about the system getting any kind of wider release. Euro release would have been nice, sure, it could have drawn more dev's into the scene, and let's face it that's what everyone's primarily concerned about here (right?) Well the scene is looking pretty nice from what I have seen, it's not quite as white-hot as it could be - okay it's painfully slow and draggy sometimes, but we've still had an incredibly prolific year with great homebrews and ports and emulators, all across the board it's putting the GBA to shame in those areas.. with more on the way. GP32 was never designed to be a "commercial success," if anything that was just an excuse to say it HAD a commercial aspect (if they were trying to plug it in the press strictly as an emu box, would it have got any attention at all? Never mind why people love it..)

I hope the system holds up through all of this. I am not too worried about it, so long as there's a couple of dedicated coders out there with a little spare time then there's always going to be plenty to be excited about this little unit. Thanks to importers like craig and liksang, it's pretty easy to get your hands on one no matter where you live (and it's not gonna cost an arm and a leg either)

Please don't get all frustrated and give up on the GP32. It's history has always been topsy turvy, and always will be - that's just how it is. But in spite of it, it is definitely a unique little system, it's had some great times and it's got a lot of greatness to come out of it yet. But only if we don't all turn our backs on it.

Ok, rant over.
amen baby - fux sake - commodore 64 is 20 years old and they just got it running broadband... sit tight for 10 years before the panic i say...
Exactly. I don't see whay everyone thinks that all the coders are going to leave because the europe launch was cancled.
.. i think one reason why is because of Zodiac, obviously.

but I am not too worried about that either. Zodiac is all well and good but

a. it's got a dumb name
b. it's a LOT more expensive, so it's going to attract a smaller + more hardcore following
c. it's not even OUT yet so everything that people are "hoping" will run for it hasn't even been started on yet.

there's always gonna be a shiny new gadget around the corner, and it's always gonna do 5 more things than the last model. but hell, does that mean we will actually NEED and use all this extra #()@??

It's cool that the coders want too split their time between the different platforms (GP32 + Zodiac). Some will abandon this scene, some will cut their time spent even more.. but after the novelty wears off, maybe it will pick up again over here.
Maybe Zodiac won't catch on at all, or come down in price drastically as Zodiac II is announced or whatever.

Who's to say. At least there is an exciting scene to watch. Meanwhile, almost all the coders continue to keep posting updates here and there about their progress.. so SOMEBODY is doing something, and that's all that matters. If we keep making it worth their while (respect, donations) then it shouldn't be such a tragedy as the doomsayers would have you believe.

--edit-- and as far as Guyfawkes leaving the scene.. who cares? props to the guy for all the sites he runs and the work he does and etc -- and sure he has contributed more to the GP32 scene then I ever will!! But let's just say he wasn't the most prolific coder to begin with, so if that's considered a "major loss" then I won't feel too bad.

If someone like Rlyeh, ZJ or Skeezix officially announces their departure from the scene, then that's a different story..
if i'm not mistaken the GP32 will still be launched in Spain. They have a great community over at and therefore the scene could get stronger. Not forgetting that Rlyeh is Spanish!!!
go ralp99 - i like your sentiments, especially those about donations

it would be very very cool to have, even just one person, able to work on coding for the gp32 'full time'

by full time - i mean it would become their regular job - like 40 hours per week

the output - and quality - would be incredible

what would this really cost ?

are there 10,000 gp32 users or more like 1,000 ?

say the coder was happy with £20,000 a year (a higher wage than *many* coding jobs)......... 1,000 users would need to 'donate' £20 a year - ...... but 10,000 users would just be £2 each.... for a years output....

i guess the figure is somewhere inbetween - all just a muse right now - source code released so dev community benefits, coder doesnt need to worry if people believe in them and what a pioneering way to work from home ! at least it could be one year out of that rat race... getting to 65 seems to take a long long time... i wonder if any coder would risk this or at least start to risk it part-time ?????????

i think that's a funky future
spanish release - at this point I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turned out to be vapor as well (and so, don't care). even if, does that mean spanish rlyeh is going to code any faster? maybe he'll get working on 43 different emulators!

fulltime GP32 coder - this won't happen either, as has been proven time and again. people just won't do this kind of stuff for money, they do it cause they love it and it's a hobby. if they're good enough to do it then they might as well do it for real at an ACTUAL game company, and get the huger amounts of benefits they'll receive there instead. there's always been talk on these forums "how much would you pay for fullspeed snes emulation with sound?" It never seems to get together though, the best thing to do seems to just go to the source and pitch in a little paypal to the authors who make their little "donations welcome!" comment (I haven't donated yet, but I will..) Sure it would be nice to get a more organized thing going, but by it's nature that's a pretty hard thing to do in thise case, look what happened with the gp32spain competition (it never really garnered too much $$)

bottom line - GP32 is a fanboy device, between the audience and the developers, and that's part of the appeal. that being said, I should stop all this typing and get some work done...

You are absolutely right.
This community and everything the GP32 stands for was based on a great gathering of people who used the Gp32 for extraordinary things.
The community has grown to be very large compared to only 8 months ago, and at the time it was only a small crowd of newbie followers and coders willing to take a chance on a system NO ONE knew diddle about.

SO here's to the Gp32 and its community.
I will be here till the end, good or bad.

And if GamePark ever has the cash to build and market a GP64 or what have you...I will be there again. Why? Because I know that a community like this one makes systems like this one more worth while than any over priced corporate paper weight.
Lifes not over yet, lets look at the good things.

1. GP32 Spain Contest releasing emulators in November
2. Gp32 Spain Meetup
3. PDRoms Contest
4. Adic 2003
5. fMAME32
6. Viirgin (bigger than mitsui) releasing gp32 in spain
7. Palm Pilot developers will start programming for zodiac, and eventually find it's father: gp32. I think we may see ports
8. Mitsui made gp32 more popular even if they aren't releasing gp32 in europe

The gp32s death isn't even close
well esentially the gp32 can never die because gamepark has done damn near nothing to advertise the gp32. It has all been us that are keeping it alive. if the gp32 has not been released in europe, yet still it is doing as good as it ever was then how does this mean the gp32 will die?the release in europe was just a bonus, it wasnt something that was going to kill the gp32 if it didn't happen. it was something that was going to boost the popularity and sales of the gp32. i agree with u all that this is sad, but think of it as if there never was a european launch
announced. then would we all be here complaining?just keep doing what u were doing before and the gp32 will live.
Meonlyeviler posted on Oct 23 2003 at 03:23 AM said:
Lifes not over yet, lets look at the good things.

1. GP32 Spain Contest releasing emulators in November
2. Gp32 Spain Meetup
3. PDRoms Contest
4. Adic 2003
5. fMAME32
6. Viirgin (bigger than mitsui) releasing gp32 in spain
7. Palm Pilot developers will start programming for zodiac, and eventually find it's father: gp32. I think we may see ports
8. Mitsui made gp32 more popular even if they aren't releasing gp32 in europe

The gp32s death isn't even close
9. Yoyo's secret project :)
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Shadow of Chaos,
The whole GP64 thing is only rumored mumbo jumbo. It has been talked about here and there for nearly a year and a half. Its only fluff for now.

Besides, There is still so much more potential to uncover with the gP32. I don't know about everyone else, but I want to see what this baby can really do. I am still excited about my Gp32, I have been since I purchased it. Hell, I have never left home without it, Seriously. I am addicted, I think its a disease. :-)
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 23 2003 at 07:31 AM said:
Whatever the project is.. could be anything, i know he needs to sort out that annoying bug in the sms emulator where the screen goes mad after 5-15 mins of play.
That's Rlyeh.
Yoyo is the author of Little JohnGP (NES-Emulator)
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