Stop Telling Us You've Canceled Your Order

craigix said:
But we are shipping them on a daily basis. The shipping has not stopped since we started building them.
Well, then you've not made a big enough deal of it. Just post the name and address of the recipient of the Pandora, then obviously we'll all know that you're shipping on a daily basis. :p
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I have thought of canceling my order a few months ago because it didn't feel like it was coming due to the super combo streak of bad luck the team had. Nevertheless I didn't give in because I knew I was going to regret it if I did and also because I wanted to support this awesome effort to make a kickass open source handheld. Even though I was considering canceling I have nothing but respect for the open pandora guys working their butts off and (probably) getting yelled at by girlfriends/wives for spending so much time and money in 'some stupid plastic thingy'.

I applaud thee!
My wife ordered mine for Christmas '09.

I'd been following progress for a year or so, and in October '09 I thought, "OMG! It looks like it's actually going to happen...".

So I made some very 'unsubtle' hints for a few weeks, and on Christmas day I opened a ring box with a lovely message inside telling me I had a Pandora, but that it wasn't coming for Christmas, but sometime soon thereafter.

At first I felt a little bit guilty that I'd not supported the project from the get-go, and that I was simply jumping on the passing train, now I knew it was a safer bet.

However, going by the unofficial (but seemingly pretty accurate) production page, it looks like I will possibly get it around November this year. So in fairness to myself, I'll have waited a year in any case - so I don't feel too much like an interloper anymore, LOL! ;)

I have been tempted to take the 'one nubber' offer... seriously tempted. I could get it, and even if it didn't work 100% I could order some spare parts later to fix it. But sods law dictates that wouldn't pan out, so I'm going to hold out for mine. I think I'm probably around 35xx in line - I don't know for sure.

I seem to recall Craig saying that if you wanted your Pandora THAT much, then just get on the train, go visit him and build it yourself... or did I just imagine that? B)
CoLD SToRAGE said:
I seem to recall Craig saying that if you wanted your Pandora THAT much, then just get on the train, go visit him and build it yourself... or did I just imagine that? B)

He said something to that effect, yeah.
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elxDraco said:
I have thought of canceling my order a few months ago because it didn't feel like it was coming due to the super combo streak of bad luck the team had. Nevertheless I didn't give in because I knew I was going to regret it if I did and also because I wanted to support this awesome effort to make a kickass open source handheld. Even though I was considering canceling I have nothing but respect for the open pandora guys working their butts off and (probably) getting yelled at by girlfriends/wives for spending so much time and money in 'some stupid plastic thingy'.

I applaud thee!
Perhaps we need a cancellation talk down thread. But then again, I know this would probably turn out about as well as a suicide hotline manned by Gary Ridgway.
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craigix said:
But we are shipping them on a daily basis. The shipping has not stopped since we started building them.

Shipping at what rate though? When you sprinkle few hundred this week, few hundred next week, etc.. you make your customers worry at the end of the queue. Along with the fact your still short (on hand) of certain parts for the 4000 units, i.e. boards/cases.
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spaceballs3000 said:
craigix said:
But we are shipping them on a daily basis. The shipping has not stopped since we started building them.

Shipping at what rate though? When you sprinkle few hundred this week, few hundred next week, etc.. you make your customers worry at the end of the queue. Along with the fact your still short (on hand) of certain parts for the 4000 units, i.e. boards/cases.
bog off will you, go make your own handheld and stop endlessly critisising the efforts of everyone else with every post you make. its boring. we know its not vapour and that this stuff is taking time now go annoy nintendo or something
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RenegadeChic said:
spaceballs3000 said:
craigix said:
But we are shipping them on a daily basis. The shipping has not stopped since we started building them.

Shipping at what rate though? When you sprinkle few hundred this week, few hundred next week, etc.. you make your customers worry at the end of the queue. Along with the fact your still short (on hand) of certain parts for the 4000 units, i.e. boards/cases.
bog off will you, go make your own handheld and stop endlessly critisising the efforts of everyone else with every post you make. its boring. we know its not vapour and that this stuff is taking time now go annoy nintendo or something

Take it to PM?

It seemed like a fairly valid point to make. And I have my Pandora, so it doesn't even concern me.
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I'm still waiting for someone to have the balls to post the first "I've just got my Pandora! And I'm cancelling!" epic-combo thread. :D

It's not beyond the bounds of possibility someone could get it, not like it and try to return it for a refund... is it? ;)
LiquidG said:
Really curious actually, after waiting 1-2 Years, just after Units get out in the Wild people are cancelling Orders.

Do they like wake up next morning .OMG what have I done I cancelled...........

kinda the opposite of buyers remorse..

It is a bit odd, as now it's at least confirmed to not be vapourware. That said, now that people have actually reviewed them they might be seeing it's not something they want to wait for anymore.

I for one, if I were considering buying it would be interested to know why someone else has cancelled - they might have noticed an issue that I wouldn't have thought of until getting the unit. Of course I decided a long time ago that the Pandora wasn't for me, and haven't really seen anything to change that, but it's still interesting to know. If there isn't anything useful in the thread, click back and move on. I don't see why people are getting in a hissy fit over it, aside from it breaking morale.
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It could be because they need the money and/or lost their enthusiasm for the little black monster. They got reminded of their preorder by all the new exciting buzz around the panda and checked how far they are in the queue. Lucky for me I'm easily excited by fancy pancy pieces of hardware like the pandora, I can see myself sitting on the couch with my little panda on wifi. Screw smartphones, gimme my pandora!