Still Not Received Pandora


Still Fresh
May 19, 2013
Just wondering if there is anyone else like me who ordered a Pandora in 2009 and have STILL NOT received the console?

Despite them offering me a refund, and having moved countries twice, it has not really been a priority.

Any suggestions on who I can speak to to get a definitive reply?  Having held on this long and the model that I ordered is dust, they don't seem keen on committing to anything.

Suggestions would be welcome.

There's been a lot of drama. Long story short: after numerous breakdowns in communication and being shafted by suppliers, Craig completely ran out of money to continue production. Fortunately there were in actuality 3 companies partnered together to produce the Pandora, and while Craig's company bit off more than it could chew, the second company (EvilDragon's) was eventually able to recover and clear its own backlog. EvilDragon is now using his profits to help Craig recover. It's definitely slow going, but the alternative is for Craig's company to declare bankruptcy, at which point no one gets anything. So yeah, the situation is dark, and it sucks that it's taken so long and that so many unforeseen things occurred, but rest assured that it is still happening, they are doing the best the can.

To help cover costs, EvilDragon is taking payments for "upgrades", effectively selling a Pandora from his store at a discounted price that will ship immediately. A lot of people take issue with having to pay more to get their Pandora sooner, but you need to remember that EvilDragon is running a different company from Craig.

So that's basically your options: either continue to wait and eventually EvilDragon will have raised enough profit to send a Pandora to Craig's customers; or pay a discounted price to upgrade your old pre-order to a newer system and have it shipped immediately. I don't think refunds are an option anymore as actual cash money ran out long ago.