Stick mount error


After copying 2 files to a stick in Slackware I removed the stick, maybe too fast. Now I get a file error when mounting the stick. Flies are in root dir and no mounting with thunar possible. In terminal I have access but can't delete the files.

In SZ access works but also no delete function, same in windows. How can I delete these files so I can use the stick in Slackware again ( don't say copy all and reformat the stick is 64GB)?

thanks for help
How is the stick formatted?

You've probably corrupted the format due to unplugging it while it was in the middle of writing stuff. You may be able to use a fixing tool like fsck, but I've never had to do that on a solid state device like a USB stick yet, so I don't know too much about that.
When errors are detected, the OS puts the filesystem in READONLY mode. So that the files do not get corrupted more.

Plug the stick in, open a shell and type in "dmesg". You should read something like "sda" and sda1.

now do "df". There you should not see the disk mounted, else unmount it, with "sudo umount /media/USB_DISK" (your disk may be named differently).

Once unmounted, you can fsck it, for example: sudo fsck /dev/sda1

Then, if you want those changes done automatically, type "sudo fsck -y /dev/sda1"

more info:

If you do not like the commandline that much, you can do it with gparted

on the right side dropdown menu, select your usb stick, then select the partition on the bottom in Partition menu, select Check to check the FS.

more info:

Disclaimer: Make a backup: During the repair, files may be deleted to fix the filesystem. So you should back up the files you need before repairing.
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I guess its not the stick format which is fat but these two files because the rest is working.

With ls -l I get only ?s for the rights,user etc only the filename is ok. 

this is with ls -l , first seems ok now after some remounts but not removable even by root. First file no more errors now, so this maybe ok, but how can I remove the second?

-rw------- 1 jooachim users        72 Mär 14 19:05 WIRKAUFENS-trade-571768.pdf

-????????? ? ?        ?             ?            ? WIRKAUFENS-trade-571774.pdf
Ah, the FAT table got busted. Lets hope the backup FAT table is ok. Just fsck it...
I tried fsck and got an error so I used gparted and saw the stick is in ntfs and no check possible. I guess thats why I got fsck error. What can I do ?
If you have access to a windows box try running chkdsk /f on it from the command prompt.   I've successfully used that in the past to fix file system errors that fsck couldn't.

- Neelix