Retro game fanatic
...spent 2/3's of your budget ($200-300) and get like a gtx 770 ....
always with the misquote, anyways.....To be honest even if you get a GTX960 vs the 860M from the alienware alpha, it's still not 2 to 3 times the performance, actually more like slighly less than 2. 2-3x the performance there I feel.
You don't get super high performance for cheap.
the x70 series are significantly faster than the x60 series in general, not quite double but pretty close, that's why I said a 770 and not a 760, and the m series is worse than their non-m counterparts. The 7x0 - 8x0 series for example aren't as important as the x60 - x70
If you wanted to save yourself some money then yea, you might find a 760 for about $150, but I would go all out and put the $200-300 for the 770 because the difference is significant, in some areas 2-3x like I was saying
correct link for a 770
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