advertise articles you write on other sites (pandoralive, linuxsomethinggaming) in the forums
So what? It's very much targeted, it's not like I post LOLcats in here or something. It's either pandora or Linux related.
, isn't really a big thing or worth making posts about.
That's up to people here to decide. Incidentally, I usually get more positive feedback on my articles than negative ones, so it would seem they are usually useful more often than not. And you know, if someone is not interested, ignoring them is always an option (there is even a button for that if you want to forever ignore a certain poster. Please use it!). By the way, I don't see DaMummy flagging all the kickstarters projects posted in these forums, which could be considered as clickbait for a number of reasons as well.
I'd also like to point out that none of my website have any advertising or any fee associated to them, so it's all provided as a free service without any monetary benefit for anyone. just saying.