stationary desktop version?

but it might be useful for other people also for ex putting it by your TV and using it as media box and emulation....How many small desktop PCs with Linux and no noisy fans for a low price is on the market? .

I paid $40 for a RPi2 that I use as a desktop with no fan running a stripped out version of Raspbian (pretty close to Debian), it also came with a case and WiFi for that price.

A Pi3 bundle costs about the same... so I don't think the Pyra could compete.
Who needs a case?
Why not ask EvilDragon if you may buy a board without anything.
The case model is open so you can print a cheap one on your own.

That's the simplest and cheapest solution.
i got the unbranded intel NUC version myself, it was a fun introduction to building your own computer (just add ram and storage, super easy), it's an always on syncthing server and netflix/stepmania console :)
A bit like the head-less pyra's they sold. I guess depending on the succes of the pyra this could be an option, however the building of a new case would require a new mold to be made and thus some dev costs.
what about a bootable usb? that might be intresting but i still like the idea of the pyra being mobile the way it is
That'd make it the lead ultra portable computer out there..

Use your Pyra in clamshell mode with keyboard and mouse connected to a USB 3 hub?

Shipping would be more expensive as the keyboard / mouse are added..
why would it be more for shipping? i bet everyone has a spare mouse and keyboard they can use for it. i say after the pyra is released and doing well like we all believe it will (due to the more than 900 + pre orders that are in, showing we want this bad boy) then maybe ED can think about a dock system or a USB 3 adapter that we can use to connect it to a monitor. so it can stay mobile and still be used on any monitor anywhere. Lets all just be a little patient
If the Pyra does get a CPU upgrade in the future, I can see myself buying something like this to slap the old CPU board into to continue using it.
hns does plan to sell a devboard setup for the CPU board. So it is reasonable that a breakout board could be offered for the CPU board.