Startup Sound?

I'd love to be able to create a start up animation/image and/or boot sound. Hope at some point this will all be possible. :)
may88 said:
Aninhumer said:
CoLD SToRAGE said:
I did offer to create a startup 'jingle' a few months back... Craig did get in touch about it, but there were lots of question marks over whether it would be possible, and perhaps I should just do an "Pandora theme" MP3 to ship with each pandora so there was something on there to test the sound.
I'm pretty certain it will be possible at some point.
Even if OP aren't working on it, someone will probably hack something together to play a bootup sound soon.
It's a shame this didn't happen.
Agreed, I think it would add to the whole community thing, if a fellow forum member made the start up sound. (and if I remember correctly CoLD SToRAGE is a bit of a musical legend in some circles)
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I think the bootloader needs a synthesizer.

Here's one! :)

$ cat thesound.c

#include <math.h>
#include <cstdio>

int main()
    int v, i, z, n, u, t;

    for (v = -1; ;) {
        for (n = pow(1.05946309, "CWG[Cgcg[eYcb^bV^eW^be^bVecb^"[++v & 31] + (v & 64) / 21), i = 999; i; putchar(128 + ((8191 & u) > i ? 0 : i / 8) - ((8191 & (z += n)) * i-- >> 16))) 
            u += v & 1 ? t / 2 : (t = v & 6 ? t : n / 4);

    return 0;

$ g++ thesound.c -o thesound

$ ./thesound > /dev/dsp
A simple animation wouldn't slow it down much. I like this animation which is set as banjeed's avatar.


If that was looping with the text "PANDORA" or "OPEN PANDORA" below it, and a simple startup sound, that would be perfect.
Mantis said:
A simple animation wouldn't slow it down much. I like this animation which is set as banjeed's avatar.


If that was looping with the text "PANDORA" or "OPEN PANDORA" below it, and a simple start up sound, that would be perfect.
I think that animation is okay. The animation I didn't want is because its 10 seconds long. When you want your device to start , having to watch a 10 second movie gets on your nerves. It might be "cool" but take the existing boot up screen add the rotating logo and a simple start up chime to get an awesome boot up screen. Now we just need to speed up booting. I heard evil dragon was working on that.
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maplesugarlover said:
and why does that chime make you suicidal ?

Because that chime is a precursor to frustration in my life.

maplesugarlover said:
Mantis said:
A simple animation wouldn't slow it down much. I like this animation which is set as banjeed's avatar.


If that was looping with the text "PANDORA" or "OPEN PANDORA" below it, and a simple start up sound, that would be perfect.
I think that animation is okay. The animation I didn't want is because its 10 seconds long. When you want your device to start , having to watch a 10 second movie gets on your nerves. It might be "cool" but take the existing boot up screen add the rotating logo and a simple start up chime to get an awesome boot up screen. Now we just need to speed up booting. I heard evil dragon was working on that.

... The animation is shorter than the time it takes to boot. It's not like we have a 5 second boot time right now and this would be upping it to 10 seconds.

-God Ginrai
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I posted this a couple of years ago, And i`ll post it again.

This will be my Pandora`s boot animation, Once i finally get round
to ordering one.


It will look great whilst booting up, Against the black case of the Pandora.

A bootup sound and simple animation would be nice, like something rotating. but don't try for something too "smooth". Nothing worse than an animation ruined by the system starting to chug on something and it gets choppy and blah. Maybe just a small spinner that goes at ~2-5 FPS, and a progress bar.

As for sounds, something simple but uh... not sure how to express this, but "soft". Like, comparing something like a sine or triangle wave to a sawtooth wave. The first two are more pleasant to hear, the last one is kinda grating.

A more practical comparison is the Apple startup sound (I know I know) and the Windows Vista startup sound. The apple startup sound is "softer" and the Vista sound is a bit harsher, and sounds kinda cold/glassy. If I cared enough I'd look at them in a spectrograph or something and find out what this difference is more scientifically, but I figure someone will get what I mean. Probably has to do with high frequencies or something...

EDIT: Oh yeah, and it should sound epic when I plug it in to my sound system. :D
trooper said:
I posted this a couple of years ago, And i`ll post it again.

This will be my Pandora`s boot animation, Once i finally get round
to ordering one.


It will look great whilst booting up, Against the black case of the Pandora.


I love that if you are able to hack it in, please share it!
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Eniko said:
Those eyes seriously freak me out.
not a cat person, perhaps? lol

I think those eyes are pretty cool. a bit too jaguar-esque for me, but the black background is a good fit against the black case.
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mali said:
Didn't WarmFluffyUK make an animation from her own eyes?
Confirmed: WarmFluffyUK is a black cat with yellow eyes.
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^ lol, I mean generally speaking, not this animation.

Found something
WarmFluffyUK said:
Ok Ok, how about this one?
Blue Eyes v2

I really love this one :)
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Oooh, eyes can be gorgeous/fascinating! I seem to have a thing for green eyes myself. Would this, or variations of it, be of any use?


I'll just add a variation or two in spoilers...




and finally, for now at least:


Obviously, we can hide all hint of skin by making things go black, leaving just the eyes - but that would lose the eyelashes, which I kinda like :(
Numbers 3 and 4 have animal ears. You may want to have that looked at.
Kicker said:
Numbers 3 and 4 have animal ears. You may want to have that looked at.

That's partly why they have spoilers. They have animal noses too.
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