Starting a preliminary GINGE compatibility spreadsheet

Well, it started out as me testing on wiz, then moved to caanoo then pandora, so it being on google docs is mostly a "I haven't sorted out which system has issues with what" and made it a proper Pandora list yet... I have to find a place to live before I can even get access to my handhelds again, so there's that too, just have my Pandora with me ATM...

If/When it becomes something that can be published properly to the wiki then it might, but for now it's kinda just a broken list floating on the internets in form of google docs.
P.S. Got permission to release Bloxz by Zacaj, a commercial game for the GP2X that was only available for a short while!

...and the Elements Interactive games too!
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yup, and a few more I believe... Elements Interactive-wise, I'm really hoping that somehow GINGE keeps the same "user number" across all versions (The registered copies I had in GINGE on wiz still work on my pandora, so I'm hoping it'll work for everyone :) )
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So I think the current count of games that are working is at about 300 gp2x and 69 wix (heh), there are some doubles that are on both systems but for the most part, if both systems worked I got rid of the Wiz version if it was just a straight port and the GP2X version if the wiz had a newer/enhanced version. It isn't including games that are already available on pandora (keeping them in a separate folder until I figure out what isn't on wiz/caanoo that I should pull back out).

Narrowed down the GLBasic issue, just need to figure out a nice way to handle it.

If you want a more in depth look @ what I'm doing/trying look above, I've edited one of my posts slowly over the past few weeks to keep my mental notes all together.

b_o_b: I know you're dying for a release, but if you give me another week or two I'll have moved into a new place and will have a little more time... :)

P.S. (for me): Biniax (original not 2) has control issues AND makes .gpe files completely disappear from gp2xmenu after use...
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If you want a more in depth look @ what I'm doing/trying look above, I've edited one of my posts slowly over the past few weeks to keep my mental notes all together.

b_o_b: I know you're dying for a release, but if you give me another week or two I'll have moved into a new place and will have a little more time... :)

Pretty ambitious list in your post above, it would be nice if a few of those will see the light of day.
I was one of the customers that pre-ordered a Pandora.. it made me an expert in waiting - so there's no rush ;)
Well, haven't had much time lately, but I figured I'd throw this out there for anybody wanting to play it in the mean time until I can make a prepacked GINGE for it.

Bloxz by Zacaj

I'll try and get some actual work done on GINGE here soon, finally got my new place setup so I can actually get to my handhelds and computer, so that'll help ;)
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Thanks a lot for posting this Hooka. Just had a quick 10 minute blast of it. It's pretty good and is quite polished. You might want to edit your link so '' is ''.

I noticed you said you will be releasing the Elements Interactive games. Do you have V1.65 of Quartz 2. Only v1.50 sits in the archive. According to the changelog, since v1.50 there were some 'Minor enhancements' and 'Minor fixes'. The filename is ''. Thanks.
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Ya, got the most recent quartz 2, s-tris, blazar and snowed in 5 & 6

Snowed in 7 doesn't work in Ginge and I do believe that registration is different for li-nuggz and flurkies cause my ginge versions aren't showing up as registered anymore...

I'll try and zip 'em up later tonight if I get the time.
Great stuff. Can you up them all, even the one's not working/showing unregistered in Ginge. I used to have Snowed in 7 but I don't know what I did with it. I remember a strange thing with the registered version of Flurkies. If you played the game, then exited, then played again, it would appear unregistered until you restarted the GP2X. I don't know if the other Elements games do this. Cheers.
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Amethyst: It seems I either lost/don't have the newer version of Quartz 2 (might've been on an external drive that crashed years ago... along with other valuable awesome) but here is a pack of elements interactive games for you to play with: Elements Interactive titles

Dunno if that's all of them, just grabbed what I remembered off the top of my head.

Also, to keep this on-topic: I've updated the GINGE list a bit, changed games I got to work with alternate fenix's to working and added fenix under requirements... made it easier to see the 2-3 fenix games I need to fix up, and easier to see what games aren't running due to bennugd issues and fix it :P
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Thanks a lot for upping these Hooka (looks like '' sneaked into your zip). I've just tested them on a GP2X. Not tried them in Ginge yet as I haven't got my Pandora or Caanoo here at the moment. On my GP2X the only two that appeared as registered were Blazar and Quartz 2. I already have a registered Flurkies. By the way, Blazar is up to version 1.50. There was a GP2X fix in v1.35:

Thankfully, I did manage to find a working code maker for Li-Nuggz. Thanks again for posting these as Quartz 2 was the main one I wanted and that is showing as registered. I 'll try them in Ginge when I get my Pandora back.

Can you upload 'Snowed In 7'. Cheers.
*facepalm* forgot snowed in 7, just grabbed the ones from the ginge working dir... I'll try n redo the zip without the f300 stuff and snowed in 7 later. I even remember downloading the newer versions, so I'll check my gp2x CDs when I find them and get a chance...
Just an update: with a little help from the man himself, finally got all the pieces of the puzzle put together and compiling... So good news, there should be some changes and fixes coming, hopefully I'll have a quick tester out for you guys soon with some quick fixes for missing libs and maybe even a few other fixes, just gotta sleep sometime ;)

Once again, big thanks to Notaz for the source release and the help getting all the pieces compiling, etc.
Just an update: with a little help from the man himself, finally got all the pieces of the puzzle put together and compiling... So good news, there should be some changes and fixes coming, hopefully I'll have a quick tester out for you guys soon with some quick fixes for missing libs and maybe even a few other fixes, just gotta sleep sometime ;)

Once again, big thanks to Notaz for the source release and the help getting all the pieces compiling, etc.

Looking forward to that! BTW Is there a list anywhere of good games/demos to play via GINGE. I have a few things that I migrated from my GP2X and took a random stab at downloading things but any suggestions for things to try?
Ruckage's stuff, Neotron games (all the non-bennugd ones work), alex's games, Glouton (you have to rename "glouton" to glouton.gpe and use that to play otherwise it just runs the intro).

You could also play Jenka's Nightmare (Cavy Story mod) if you've already decimated Cavy Story itself.

Quasists stuff is pretty impressive and fun sometimes, FleshChasmer runs great, but FleshChasmer 0 requires major underclocking the Pandora and running the .gpe in the system folder.

Floaters is always fun too! Friq, although a little buggy is a sweet clone of gimme friction baby! Ladykiller is fun too, along with nanobounce and xenitris (just incase you feel like playing extremely zoomed in tetris :P)

Payback FOR SURE, if you bought the download copy it works wicked! Perfect fit and most of Akuma no Hoku's puzzle games are good for killing a bit of time. Tower of Gowno is a nice little rogue-like (very similar to Powder)

Project Zero for a nice little Schmup, but you have to hold your Pandora sideways, so it's kinda awkward. Quartz 2 and Retrovirus (non-RTS one) can be fun to kill some time with.

Round 'em up is pretty sweet, although can be a PITA. ScorchedGP if you like scorched earth/worms like games!

Space Varments is ok using controls, but I'd love to get touchscreen working... Super Pixel Jumper (and other thatotherdev games)!!! Thruster and Spout too...

I find tikka dungeons to be fun for being just an alpha, same with Triple Triad X...

Warehouse panic and Wind and Water are always solid!

Chopper Challenge (do believe this is one you have to underclock otherwise it goes too fast!)

Ghostpix, Monkey game from wiz has that old Gameboy feel to it and on that note, Crocodingus crashes sometimes but is still fun and very nice looking!

Roadfighter if you need an old arcade monaco-style racer

Zombie Sorbet and ZNumbers2x can be fun too...
Finally got my Pandora back. The NeoCD2x emulator works well in Ginge. I use it to play Crossed Swords 2. Needs some serious under clocking though (set clock around 350mhz).

Hooka, I've just been browsing through your list. I noticed on Paraballgp2x, it says 'No ball to play with'. If you use the version linked below, the ball is present and the game works fine in Ginge. It's still very difficult to play as 'Bullet Time' requires you to press 'Select', which is easy enough on a GP2X but requires you to reach right across with your thumb on a Pandora. It's a shame we can't reconfigure the GP2X keys in Ginge.


On a previous post I noticed you said your Li-nuggz is appearing unregistered in Ginge. If you use the version linked below, you can register it from within Ginge and it will work fine.

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Amethyst:Yeah, it was just a quick change of the fenix runtime to get the paraball I have working, I just forgot to change it's status :P Might have to go about reregistering li-nuggz at some point ;)  Just never played it as much as Quartz 2 :P