Starting a preliminary GINGE compatibility spreadsheet

Notaz: I made a backup that only I can touch just in case ;) As for the wait, if it isn't there then, please get ahold of me and I'll most likely have a version in open office or excel format that I can email ya... I'm just sorting through the archives to find out what's still missing then I'm gonna look through my personal collection too (cause I always find little nuggets of joy hiding in there :P )

Then I'd assume it's about time I start working on some of my own projects... got too many game designs half-assed written down that could use a good design doc and technical doc... Then I could dig in and code and hopefully get someone else to do gfx and audio :P Otherwise they'll be great games with shit gfx and audio :D

P.S. Another little note, either menu/select are switched in GINGE or most wiz programs treat select like start...

Note: I've officially screwed this list over for ever getting done... Nether Dimensional Runner is too good to put down :P
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Notaz: In reference to the allegro games not working, could it be a simple lack of this: http://dl.openhandhe...0,0,0,0,23,2444 and I'm assuming that just running this through GINGE would be a bad idea, but is there an easy way to integrate it and check?

And another quick pondering: some games like propis demo, possibly GLBasic and some others use the OpenGL ES libraries, I know on the Pandora the hardware differences might make the libraries not work, but in the case of the caanoo where they are using very similar hardware would it be possible to include the libs and see if they help compatibility? Correct me if I'm wrong in assuming they are similar enough or that this would work, as always, I'm just a nerd-in-training, and with the damage I've done to my cerebellum, highly likely my potential is far beyond destroyed...
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*Grave Digger fail* Ok, so I wanted a place to keep track of some GINGE info for myself, so I'm gonna resurrect this just so I have a nice little place where I can talk to myself ;)

Fenix games: 90% of the time, they can be fixed by just finding a GINGE compatible fenix runtime, replacing the one currently there and adjusting the shell script to work!

BennuGD: I do believe this is having issues due to the complexity of the shell scripts combined with the fact that it's not running the BGD stuff through GINGE at all, but might just be having trouble finding the bgd-runtime folder... gonna check closer tonight!

Libraries: I'm currently gathering together the libraries from all different versions of firmware in an attempt to figure out if sometimes it's just compatibility issues with dynamic linking in certain cases...

Generic: Dunno if it's being used, but we should probably use "unset LD_PRELOAD" after running an app through GINGE, will leave the system in a little better condition...
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Ginge is great - thanks for sharing the compatibility list and trying to fix some of the issues. 949  in the list (wow!) and 457 fully working. Not bad Notaz.  Would be interesting to see in the non working list what is already available native on Pandora.

Fenix games: 90% of the time, they can be fixed by just finding a GINGE compatible fenix runtime, replacing the one currently there and adjusting the shell script to work!

Would it be possible to upload the fixed programs to the openhandheld repo - just add that you made it GINGE compatible? If you already done the work and give credit to the original author I don't think anyone would mind. 

All Ruckage Fenix games are working anyway - those are excellent and one of the reasons for using Ginge from time to time.
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Was actually thinking I'd find some webspace (don't feel like fighting with the archive, waiting for file approval, slow one by one upload... especially to upload duplicates of software already there just slightly modified...) and form a small repo of "GINGE compatible" stuffs, but that's a ways off... I'll keep chewing away at the list of stuff that doesn't work and when I find some new webspace maybe I'll make something akin to wizfilearchive browser, but at the very least just have a separate website with the fixed/modified binaries to play with ;)
Was actually thinking I'd find some webspace (don't feel like fighting with the archive, waiting for file approval, slow one by one upload... especially to upload duplicates of software already there just slightly modified...) and form a small repo of "GINGE compatible" stuffs, but that's a ways off... I'll keep chewing away at the list of stuff that doesn't work and when I find some new webspace maybe I'll make something akin to wizfilearchive browser, but at the very least just have a separate website with the fixed/modified binaries to play with ;)
No problem, I can understand you don't want to upload a bunch of slightly modified programs.

Great if you could dump it somewhere, after you have shared it we might be able to assist uploading it to the official repo :)
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b_o_b: in certain cases, I might have it fixed so that repackaging the games isn't required just need to add a few binaries to the GINGE PND (like grep and such) cause GINGE uses them to determine certain things about the environment, but the dynamic loader is trying to load the pandora grep with the GP2X libs (meaning it's throwing up an error stating that grep won't work with a libgcc older than 3.5.X). I'm trying to minimize the amount of things I'll have to repackage. Other things I'm gonna try are giving preference to a specific set of fxi/uxfi binaries I specify so that it uses the right ones no matter what the game contains in it's own folder ;)

_jr_: Might be an option, he's given me hosting for multiple things in the past, just no longer have access to my interview site and such ;)
Wow, you cataloged almost 1000 GP2X homebrew! Is that everything from the archives? I've been meaning to set up Ruckage's games on my Pandora, I should do that this weekend.

Cheers to you man, I hope you'll set up a nice place for exploring and reliving that awesome bit of history :)
alxm: Just as a note, sleuth slots you can just add -nosplash after the .dcb part of the script and it'll run proper if I remember correctly... GINGE HATES the fenix splashscreen :P

Yes, should be most if not all of the GP2X and Wiz collection (minus emu's and probably some ports, was aiming @ testing things not available on Caanoo & Pandora ;) ) along with some of the commercial games and some things maybe lost deep in the depths of the GP32x forums or never released :P I also cheated and didn't play each game for hours on end (some I did), mostly 10-15 minutes to make sure it seemed stable.
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b_o_b: in certain cases, I might have it fixed so that repackaging the games isn't required just need to add a few binaries to the GINGE PND (like grep and such) cause GINGE uses them to determine certain things about the environment, but the dynamic loader is trying to load the pandora grep with the GP2X libs (meaning it's throwing up an error stating that grep won't work with a libgcc older than 3.5.X). I'm trying to minimize the amount of things I'll have to repackage. Other things I'm gonna try are giving preference to a specific set of fxi/uxfi binaries I specify so that it uses the right ones no matter what the game contains in it's own folder ;)
I just noticed Notaz released the source of Ginge, nice! Looking forward to the updated version of Ginge. Gladly test it on my CC and Rebirth.  
Yeah, I been studying it for the past week or so, looks like I should be able to use the nice little framework notaz wrote for execl to not only get some more games running but hopefully have it automagically use the best fenix runtime (and possibly bennugd if I can get it going) and disable the splashscreen so that no script modification is needed by users :)

Also managed to minimize some issues I was having by taking the busybox static binary and place it in the bin dir in ginge.notaz and rename it to grep or any other function, optimally symlinks inside something like a cramfs image would be more optimal, but for the second it'll do...

Also started adding other libraries that were missing like libsmpeg, made another few games run :)

*added so I have a place to hunt it back down later...*

Main issues left:

-Python and X11 (conflicts with Pandora's own libs and binaries in both cases)

-BennuGD (doesn't setup environment right for them, still working on it...)

-GLBasic issues (pretty sure I narrowed this one down, GLBasic reads the path to the executable from exepath via /proc/ which returns ginge_sloader's path...)

-touchscreen (tslib calls rpl_malloc for some reason, might just need to recompile it but might just need to configure properly...) and really need to add support for the GP2X's independent diagonal ordinals (only affects a few games though)

-Certain Wiz specifics (anything using libopengles_lite, their SDL with SetLCDMode() and missing other libs/binaries I'm forgetting about... dunno what to do here, but might try and write hooks that will capture certain function calls and use the Pandora 3D instead... definitely a long shot and beyond my capabilities no doubt, but now I have the header files to reference :D )

-Continue to weed out stuff already ported to Pandora (already eliminated 69+ working titles that we don't need GINGE for due to ports or enhanced versions) and locate GINGE prepacks that could be minimized/redone.

-Polish up the stuff for using GINGE like a runtime PND and making smaller GINGE prepacks (save space on Pandora, make specific packs of things like Alex's games or Ruckages games or even all the game and watch style games, easier to deal with than 350+ unique PND's)

-Choose the more solid version of a game/app (GP2X or Wiz) incase both versions are working but one is newer or more stable!

-missing libs, I intend to modify ginge_prep to use ldd to print out what libs are linking to what to ensure nothing is still hitting the pandora firmware libs! Then find or build the proper/substitute ones.

-look at using gmenu2x as the launcher, always felt it was the better option when I had a true GP2X setup and feel that a homebrew menu for running homebrew games is always a nice touch (nevermind the time saved by not having to use gp2xmenu and slow scrolling through the list)

-Games with odd resolutions (320x200 wind up with junk on bottom of screen, resize, center and cover up junk) and games that are 640x480 wind up only showing top left corner.

-Do we bother with looking @ loading up a copy of the I2C from an original GP2X for the serial number (might be useful for commercial game support...

-Try and somehow either "symlink" /mnt/sd/ back to maybe the appdata folder for GINGE and then "symlink" the GP2X program we're executing there (I said symlink in brackets cause we're dealing with fat here, it's slightly different...) Using a UnionFS as RO and overlay the appdata folder ~ see here: is a step towards this, just gotta figure out if I can create and chown /mnt/sd safely (one time thing requiring root access only once hopefully, but this is only if I fail @ finding a way to do it all legit-like without root privledges)

-Binary detection (Is it GP2X or Wiz, sure there's some barriers to this, but there should also be a few tell-tail signs too...)

-(Never gonna happen, but added for posterity...) Simulate/Emulate second core, probably not worth it for the 2-3 games and handful of demos it'll benefit... for example, just porting Egoboo to Pandora would be simpler :)  (but I could try and do something similar to how notaz wrapped up the mmuhack and tie it to Pandora's GLES drivers...)

-Check how much memory is being allocated, Wiz might need the full 64MB, whereas GP2X typically only had access to the first 32MB... (*facepalm* that explains some of the segfaults I've been getting with GP2X stuffs too! Paeryn's HW SDL uses a 15MB chunk of the higher memory area!)

-Wiz has a large amount of games where audio isn't being output...
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so that no script modification is needed by users :)
That would be great! Looking forward to your first release.

And... now we are on the subject of releasing maybe you're interested in reading about RERO link

LOL, I don't follow typical development philosophies... I design as I need to, go with what works for me and release more frequently than most people would. I had people in school waste a few hours debating whether we should use AGILE vs. Waterfall halfway through a project. I was the only one who realized that we were already knee deep in cowboy coding as I was the one who was programming and given the tight deadlines, everything was dependent around what I as the coder did and when and if I implemented certain mechanics. Was it the best approach? Probably not... Was it the only approach that was gonna work given the constraints and other group members assumptions about the engine they decided we should use? I still don't know, what I do know is that given the overhaul I had to give UDK there was definitely a large amount of fallback on me and scheduling that depended on my implementation of not only features and migration to newer versions of the engine, but also making editor-side modifications so they could have easier and quicker turn around times for their integration of their graphics, logic and game balance. The end result being we made a decent first person thrower (food fight in a grocery store) in 3 months, but I wound up so stressed due to pressure from others that I wound up having an outbreak of shingles on my back, getting a little depressed and sick to the point that I missed out on the last few weeks of the course which entailed having personal interviews with industry people, the courses on small business management (and other entrepreneurial lessons) and other important things that I would've liked to have learnt.

Moral of the story: Having a development philosophy is nice, but don't let your project be forced into some paradigm that doesn't fit your situation; That is Mismanagement!
No worries, I was just kidding about the release stuff. Your time, your terms. Not sure if that is a development philosophy, but if it is not it should be :)
I have webspace aswell. Right now I am hosting a private forum, owncloud, dokuwiki and a minecraft server, so I think I have a couple of gigabytes left to share. It's a root server so I can give you shell access as well as ftp and webspace.

I's love to help out, the gp2x is the device that got me deep into the homebrew scene and I learned most of my console knowledge back on gp32x. Still have my f100 and f200 with breakout board and accessories.
So why can't this be an entry on the Pandora Wiki? like many of the other compatibility lists. 
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