Ssh And X11


Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008
I've been trying to convince myself to get a GP2X, and if someone can answer this question it may very well be the nail in the proverbial coffin.
There's an SSH client, and an X11 server for the GP2X, but does the ssh client support X11 forwarding? Can I use it to remote into my home server and run X apps?
I've not used ssh, but I've used the GP2X as a remote X display - just run the GP2X X server and then set DISPLAY on the PC to the GP2X and run the program on the PC.

It works but the 320x240 is too small to do much with.
Thanks. That means that yes, it does work. X11 tunneling just sets the DISPLAY variable for that SSH session, as far as I know, so if it works manually, it should work automatically.
That being said, a little bit of exploration leads me to the Pandora, a far more suitable device for my desiresneeds. I believe I will wait a few more months before purchase.
(screen size be danged, it doesn't need to be useful, I just needed something to act as a legitimate excuse to myself in order to justify buying it. I'm an odd fellow)
The Pandora will make things easier - bigger screen and keyboard.

I just remembered this post. It gives you an idea of what things are like on the GP2X.

I do still use my GP2X (F-100) as an extra screen for stuff such as irc. I run x2x so I can move the mouse off the side of my PC's screen on to the gp2x and use the PC keyboard to type on the GP2X.
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