

Oct 3, 2004
New Zealand
Hi all,

I have seen many posts, and been very intrigued, that are by people who 'have been following the forum for months/years/ages' but 'only joined recently' or 'haven't said very much'.

I am just wondering, all you ghosts/spys out there, how many of you are there? Please post in this topic if you are one of these guys so we can know you are here (and know that there are more than 10 active people on this forum).

EDIT: A belated 'welcome' to you all by the way! Glad to know you are there.
EDIT2: Just realised this forums probably doesn't have 'guest' posting. doh!
We more commonly know these people as 'lurkers' and for many reasons, they choose not to get involved. Usually they find some topic where they are compelled to post, and stay awhile. I fear this thread might be a bit intimidating for them :)
That would be me! My Gp32 is coming some time next week (hoped it would be today, ah well), so until then I'm just reading all I can as I don't think I could be very constructive yet...
From what I have observed what you describe is normal behaviour as opposed to the behaviour of so called "hardcore' and 'guru' members who seem to post a lot but say little of value.

The fact that some people read some of this and cannot be bothered to add some irrelevant comment is fine with me.

I would rather have a sensible debate about an issue than a thread with 50 uninformed negative comments. If you want an example of this try reading a thread about whether it is possible to use bigger XD memory cards with an adapter. Lots of dross and a couple of sensible posts by people like Mr Spiv.

Lurking is fine, posting when you have something relevant to say is fine, the rest of you are effectively spammers who should be banned or get a life IMNSHO. :D
I guess in some ways I'm a lurker - I'm here at least once every day to check out what's happening but rarely feel the need to get involved by posting. However, I sincerely appreciate the community the GP32 - and this site in particular - has. When I had a problem recently I posted here and had replies within minutes (and sensible ones to boot).
I only post when I have something relevant to say/ask/suggest, or when the discussion is funny and I want to contribute.

I am here everyday, keeping an eye on you all ;)
^^ me2 :)
i visit this page more than 5 times a day ;) but i barely post something ;) only if there are some important things to say :)
are you getting at something like we're doing something wrong? Am i no better because i bought my first GP32 in August of 2003 and I just started posting on this site in January? Or maybe its because now i have alot more time to do stuff like post in this forum.
I've been lurking with intent since I got my GP32 last December. I'm usually here to get info and grab some downloads.
Hi All
I have been a proper lurker for about a month now, since I order my GP32 from GBAX. I have had to wait this long for a 166MHz to come into stock.

But it arrived today so I thought I would register and say howdy......

I have just loaded DrMD 2.0 on my GP32 and have to say I am very glad I made this purchase. It surpassed all expectations, especially how it remembers what is in your ROM folder so it doesn't have to search it everytime (unlike GPengine which seems to take a long time doing it).

The only thing is, how do I check whether the GP32 will definately clock to 166MHz? In DrMDs menu it seems to start up on a default of 144MHz, is this usual? Because when I push it up to 166MHz and play a game everything seems OK. But when I go back to the menu it is back on 144MHz.

Is there a good program designed just for checking the overclockability of the console?

I've been a lurker for two years, and have got all the help I need from reading
other peoples posts.

The only time I have posted was to a postee who left a code snippet and was
struggling with it. The laugh of the situation was that the postee's code snippet was
pseudo code and so made my advise irrelevent!

Ah well.

Another word used for forum lurker is voyeur. The only other bit of French I know
involves tongues.