Release Sparrow Compo4all Manager and Puzzletube C4A-Edition [Betas]

I made a new version

You can now see, how many submits are cached and submit them without the need to submit a score with any other game. ;)


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No, on Linux Systems I install it to the root directory!

(Thanks for the bug. However, this screenshot was made on a Linux PC. On the pandora it will say something else. Hopefully more correct. ^^)
Its crashing when trying to look at the score of Mini slug. Others work fine.

 Anyone else having that?
Its crashing when trying to look at the score of Mini slug. Others work fine.

Anyone else having that?
Thanks for the bug report. I myself took a lock at my score some days ago and it worked fine. But maybe it is broken now. Unfortunately I have no PC for the next week (holidays), but I will have a look when I am back.

Greetings, Ziz
Its crashing when trying to look at the score of Mini slug. Others work fine.

 Anyone else having that?
Okay, I fixed the bug. I didn't build it for the Pandora yet, but I could reproduce it at university, fixed it and will compile and submit the new version in the evening or tomorrow.
The problem was, that minislug uses the whole top 500 and is 50950 byte long. However I tried to put this to this buffer:

//skeezix saves the top500. So 100 byte should be enough...
char buffer[50001]; Yeah... Nobody will EVER need more than 50KB of buffer :P I use 100 KB now. This should be enough for EVER!


Just up it to 640KB, it ought to be enough for anybody.
Its crashing when trying to look at the score of Mini slug. Others work fine.

 Anyone else having that?
Okay, I fixed the bug. I didn't build it for the Pandora yet, but I could reproduce it at university, fixed it and will compile and submit the new version in the evening or tomorrow.
The problem was, that minislug uses the whole top 500 and is 50950 byte long. However I tried to put this to this buffer:

//skeezix saves the top500. So 100 byte should be enough...
char buffer[50001]; Yeah... Nobody will EVER need more than 50KB of buffer :P I use 100 KB now. This should be enough for EVER!


Ill check that later for bugs again. 

Thx for you quick work. 
I uploaded a new version, which fixes a bug in handling big caches.
The Sparrow C4A Manager shows the rank now.

Furthermore the view of the highscores is filtered (opt out).

Namenloses Fenster_963.png

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New version of Sparrow-C4A-Manager, which fixes a bug, which occurs on very large caches.