Spain launch still on??

Sep 7, 2003
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Does anybody know if the Spanish launch is still on. The gp32 community in spain is very strong with, the competitions and Rlyeh etc. Also with Virgin distributing, there are surely some commercial games still planned for Europe. The community could be maintained by a successful Spanish launch surely?
Who knows, Virgin Play may even decide to start distributing Europe wide. If a successful spainsh launch occus, it could help Gamepark immensely. Maybe it is good to have one successful launcg in one county as oppose to having many unsuccesful ones...

Edit: - apparently the spanish launch is to go ahead according to Thats good news. Right.
What I want to know is what is gonna happen to all the stuff mitsu made? Like the crystal cases (which looked class), and such. If it gets a world wide release from virgin, would it still use those cases, and mitsu's excellent firmware (which really is great).
Well, at least there is going to be a Spain release. Will the commerical games that are going to be released there be in English and/or Spanish?
if the English launch is probably means that the French ones been canceled too....if a powerfull distributer takes control, a Europe wide launch could still happen but judging the poor sales of n-gage i think most would find a new handheld to risky........just my 2 pence worth.
good luck to you all spanish people and all that but i personally couldnt give a shit about it seeing as the commercial games would be in spanish and therefore rendering the whole thing pointless to me
Spanish games could be translated by someone though, there are patches made by a homebrew developer ( I can't remember who) to translate the English Little Wizard game to French.