GP32 launch cancellation: please hold on


Still Fresh
Feb 21, 2003
Hi everyone,

Some explanations on the European launch fiasco have been posted by Akumajo (who happens to be both *very* close to GamePark and a reliable source of info) over at

Those of you who can read french should go for more info.

For those who don't here's a quick summary

Aku says that at first Mitsui was to order 60000 GPs to Gamepark for the official launch in November, and then 200000 more for 2004. It seems that Mitsui had carefully studied GamePark's financial situation before taking such a decision.

But then, for an undisclosed reason, Mitsui only ordered 5000 consoles which is not enough for GamePark to launch mass production (GP hasn't got a factory and has to pay to have GP32s assembled, so the more they order, the less it cost per unit. All the GP32s in stock seem to have been assembled in a single batch).

Moreover Akumajo says Mitsui may not be all that clean when they say they had to cancel the launch due to GP's financial situation. According to him GP is not in a good situation right now, but they're still far from closing their doors (edited by akumajo)
One thing is for sure though: Mitsui is expecting "something" (what it is remains unclear, as Akumajo is not allowed to reveal it) from Gamepark before November . They may not have given up on the European launch after all.

Wait & see. We'll surely have more info on that next week or so.
There is little hope that we'll see the GP32 officially coming to europe, but still, there is some.

Stay tuned.

there's nothing wrong with GamePark.

So better don't spread silly gossips.. etc

just keep waiting

and GP32 isn't dead 8))

it was alive and well w/o any european launches 8))

PS I live in asia and I'm proud of it! ^_-

No offence, dudes!
this is interesting, Don miguel in asia hey, thought he was in europe when I was on the ezboard gp32. I still want them to release it in europe cause everyone knows Gp32 will become better. SO what if there are shitty newbies all around I have already seen many of them.
The GP32 european web site is still up and running, well as much as has been, maybe there is still something going to happen. Just seems to me that if the launch had been cancelled, they would have done away with the site by now.
*gossip* So, is this "GP32 European launch cancelled" only but a staged drama, to hype up the gizmo even more? :P */gossip*

*gasp*! j/k
maybee mitsui lost it's ball's.....
maybee gamepark are lokkin' for new backer's to launch our beloved gp32....
( play)
Hope you don't mind this making front page :)

Hmm...looks like Gamepark have no way of releasing 5000 units only. Why can't Mitsui be more reasonable here? Looks like they lost the deal. I'm -sure- Gamepark will pick up a new supplier soon, the console has lots of promise with the right marketing!

On an unrelated note, really nice to see the front page of gp32x constantly updated again. I count 5 different news posters, impressive :)
Well, either Mitsui buck their ideas up, or GamePark get another supplier. Either way, I hope our beloved console gets a decent future.

Hmm... mabye Virgin Inc. could pick it up? I'm sure Mr. Branson would market it well, he seems to do so with everything else.

EDIT: Hmm, this could come in handy at some point, mabye someone could suggest it to GamePark if possible (if Mitsui 100% back out)? 'We receive many proposals, but can take only a few forward. You're most likely to be successful if the concept is already well developed, has large-scale potential and can be implemented soon.' Sounds good to me :D
Don miguel in asia hey, thought he was in europe when I was on the ezboard gp32

You are forgetting that most of Russia is actually in Asia.

Nor does "Asia" necessarily mean near China; it could just as easily mean Kazakhstan or one of the other central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union.

Anyway, I hope that they do launch it...

I've resolved to have one ordered in time for Christmas anyway if it is indeed cancelled... I'm just sick of all these false alarms. <_<