Southpark 201 Censored? Wtf?!


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
Okay, that does it... I am sick and tired of people asking for tolerance of religious idiocracy. If you are a religious person, feel free to feel offended but please get the hell out of this thread if you are because I don't even want to know your "opinion". However if you are a rational thinking person but still believe in some sort of higher entity I am really interested in what you have to say about this madness!

As stated above, I am going to jot down my thoughts as a concerned atheist and I do not care if anybody is offended by my vocabulary or method of reasoning. If you are a volatile religious type, you have been warned, do not read on, do not post, leave.

I want to know why there are people in the mostly free world who still think it is necessary to cut into the rights of freedom of speech to protect some fairytale believing nutcases! What about my beliefs? I feel offended, too. I am so sick of hearing about this BS.

Creationists in US government positions, schoolboards and now even in Germany... morons banned the Harry Potter books in christian libraries in Bavaria because of their positive attitude towards occultism!!! OCCULTISM?! Well, guess what, Harry Potter is fiction... so is your religion.

And now the latest Southpark episode has been pulled by Comedy Central and will be censored because some towel head idiots threatened the lives of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. What the fuck? Are we really that weak? Are we really going to give in to maybe a handful of possibly violent retards that probably don't even have the means to harm anyone, just because they do not share the humour of a couple of guys producing a TV show?

So they are showing the face of muhammed... boo fucking hoo. Ever heard of the off switch? How about all crazy fanatics just plain don't watch their respective archenemy shows? I really don't care about what people believe in... Jesus, Muhammed, Witches, Pixies, UFOs, Elvis, Ghosts, please practice your religion/superstition/whatever in your basement, church, mosque, temple or secret underground base. Just leave me the fuck alone.
I do not believe in any of this crap. That is my belief. Noone seems to respect that however, so why the fuck should I respect their (completely insane and irrational) beliefs? This bullshit doesn't add anything of worth to society or life in general except for the miserable and poor starving bastards in the 3rd world giving them false hope that their life after death might be better and it helps them deal with and accept horrible suffering. I have an idea though: How about not accepting your pain and suffering as the will of some god and rising up to the oppressors and bigots, slicing their fat bellies, taking their funds and finally breaking free?

This shit has been force fed to the African people by white oppressors for ages so they would accept slavery and hunger in exchange for diddly squat. Now we have a whole continent of starving people, corrupt governments, war, AIDS and the fucking former pope has the balls to tell them to accept their pain as god given and not use condoms?!?!?! Why did noone shoot that old and obviously dangerously insane fuck? The lovely new shepherd of mankind "Ratzinger" isn't any better. In Germany a significant number of child abuse cases in the catholic church and catholic institutions has been uncovered in the last few months. This is an old story to the US citizens, they have been through this a while ago. This is a problem not only of the catholic church but apparently a number of christian organisations have issues with pederasts. So why do we still support this madness? Obviously something has to be flawed when a religious belief forces people to suppress their sexual desires to an extent that they will actually divert to abusing children.

I am not even going to get into terrorism and the middle east. That chapter has been thoroughly discussed. And what about all those completely insane sects? Scientology? I can't even comprehend why so many celebrities feel the need to support a group that shits on human rights and profits from people with mental issues in such an exploitative way and on such a huge scale while lying to governments and pretending to be a church. Come on guys, they actually believe in a science fiction story written by a medically legal psychopath!!! I repeat: Some weirdo with serious issues made up a random story and they admit that they believe that!!! Please, someone explain to me why we send troops to Afghanistan to shoot islamistic fundamentalists, while these people make huge money off of their victims, washing minds around the globe, occupying important economic positions and nobody sticks them where they belong: JAIL! How can this be possible? How can so many sufficiently educated business men, actors, musicians and producers join a cult like that?

Where are the outbursts? Where is the resistance? Why is nobody standing up to this stupidity?

In my opinion this can all happen because we knowingly duck an cover in fear of the uncomfortable consequences.

This is why I demand that all religious belief systems are to be strictly controlled by governments. Religion has nothing to do in schools, tainting the minds of children, and it must not have to have any influence on political decision making. Religion should not be falsely sold as science or as an answer to real life problems. Noone should be afraid to state their opinion because some derailed psychos could possibly bomb their house.

This takes me right to my next point: Nobody has the right to deny a person spiritual freedom. They may believe in whatever they want. Last time we Germans persecuted religious people, 6 million jews and loads of jehovas witnesses, christians and many others were killed. Last time I checked, that was called genocide... so this is obviously not where my rant is going. All I want is for this whole madness to stop and for people to keep it to themselves.

From now on I proclaim myself to be the sole saviour of mankind and the chosen incarnation of Horst, the pink horse. Everybody who from now on uses the words "horse" or "hello" or "the" but me, shall be smitten by the hands of my holy followers, the cult of the pink horse and the mighty hooves out of space. Non believers will be scorned and are to be treated as non human by the cult following. Please respect my beliefs, stop using the words I thus deemed sacred and PAY ME BITCHES! PAY ME AND BEND OVER SO I CAN FUCK YOU UP THE ASS WHILE YOU CONTINUE TO WHISTLE, SMILE AND CALL ME A RELIGIOUS ECCENTRIC!!!
Oh hello there. Do you to see the cute pink little horse?

Ok, so no raving crowd here yet. Calm down mate. Your looking like you got a bit of a high blood pressure.
I mean com on. Southpark sucks, so don't get to worked up over the fact that the creators are weak punks that scared like girls commit to censoring what they produced.
If they at least thought of what they are doing as art, that would explain the crappy quality, but if it was art, they wouldn't censor it, no matter what.
Southpark pretty much played it's role as society provoker as much as it worth by now.
Mr B said:
Oh hello there. Do you to see the cute pink little horse?

Ok, so no raving crowd here yet. Calm down mate. Your looking like you got a bit of a high blood pressure.
I mean com on. Southpark sucks, so don't get to worked up over the fact that the creators are weak punks that scared like girls commit to censoring what they produced.
If they at least thought of what they are doing as art, that would explain the crappy quality, but if it was art, they wouldn't censor it, no matter what.
Southpark pretty much played it's role as society provoker as much as it worth by now.

Well you misunderstood my rant. It's not about southpark, and the creators didn't censor anything. It's the network. I am pissed off that everyone seems to bend over backwards because some crazy religious nuts threaten them and everybody tolerates abuse from some superstitious idiots. I don't really care about a cartoon that much to write up a rant like that, seems like you have only read the first 3 sentences or so.
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Hehe... thanks Ravnos. Not to start a discussion about cartoon tastes but somebody who says something like that probably thinks family guy is ingenious and witty.
Just playing devil's advocate and intentionally missing the point of your post. :P
Seems to me that believing that all the matter in the universe has always existed somehow compressed to the size of a golf ball, or that nothing somehow bubbled apart into matter and antimatter spontaneously, or that a substance that can't be seen or otherwise detected (hereafter referred to as "dark matter" to coin a phrase ;) ) and is somehow responsible, all have about the same solid scientific backing and require about as much faith as "a wizard did it". :P
No he doesn't, he performs weddings in Las Vegas!

As far as South Park 201 goes, wasn't it intentional that Mohammed appeared as a CENSORED block? Hence Tom Cruise gets replaced by one when he does the goo thing?
I know the bleeps were Comedy Central's fault, and I think that was unnecessary.
This topic is so going to get locked.

Also, a teacher is more likely to molest a child than a priest is.
xnopasaranx said:
However if you are a rational thinking person but still believe in some sort of higher entity I am really interested in what you have to say about this madness!
Excellent! Thank you for consulting a qualified rational thinker.

...morons banned the Harry Potter books in christian libraries in Bavaria...

And now the latest Southpark episode has been pulled by Comedy Central and will be censored...
Okay, so here you don't approve of censorship.

This is why I demand that all religious belief systems are to be strictly controlled by governments. Religion has nothing to do in schools, tainting the minds of children, and it must not have to have any influence on political decision making.
And here you want to censor religion from schools.

You can't have it both ways unless you're a government. It would be better to promote fair religious representation in schools, which would include your point of view as well. After all, how can we learn from past mistakes if we don't teach our children what went wrong, and right with religions.

Now we have a whole continent of starving people, corrupt governments, war, AIDS and the fucking former pope has the balls to tell them to accept their pain as god given and not use condoms?!?!?!
Oh, ha ha. No no, the pope just said he preferred not to use condoms. The whole thing just got blown out of proportion.

All I want is for this whole madness to stop and for people to keep it to themselves.
How shall we proceed, Supreme Commander?
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Islamic extremists sending out death threats in response to someone mocking them (especially any portrayal of Muhammed, especially a negative one) is hardly anything new.
WizardStan said:
Just playing devil's advocate and intentionally missing the point of your post. :P
Seems to me that believing that all the matter in the universe has always existed somehow compressed to the size of a golf ball, or that nothing somehow bubbled apart into matter and antimatter spontaneously, or that a substance that can't be seen or otherwise detected (hereafter referred to as "dark matter" to coin a phrase ;) ) and is somehow responsible, all have about the same solid scientific backing and require about as much faith as "a wizard did it". :P
And how is this contradicting my points exactly? I am not talking about abstract mathematics or advanced physics. As I said, I do not give a rats what people actually believe, as long as they do not threaten to bomb a TV show production just because someone there doesn't believe in their "wizard", tell me I am a disbeliever because I happen to believe in "science" instead of "gut feelings", start wars to defend their wizard/destroy someone elses wizard, etc...

fiveseven said:
No he doesn't, he performs weddings in Las Vegas!

As far as South Park 201 goes, wasn't it intentional that Mohammed appeared as a CENSORED block? Hence Tom Cruise gets replaced by one when he does the goo thing?
I know the bleeps were Comedy Central's fault, and I think that was unnecessary.
Yes, the black bars are intentional. The bleeping was hella annoying but I guess the Southpark guys really got what they predicted which sort of proves the entire point of the actual episode. Still, this is not about the cartoon, it's about the traction and apparent power that religion (which should be a personal matter to individuals) has over an entire country/the world. I think that is flawed logic and should not take any part in the government of the planet as there are better reasons not to kill, steal, rape and pillage then some arbitrary idea of a benevolent/malevolent entity ready to punish your sins. For example ethics, logic and international laws + human rights which is actually applicable rather than generally conflicting religious ideas which should thus not really have an impact on matters of such magnitude as we have enough conflicts about earthly matters already that we need to somehow compromise about with the cultures on this here planet.

Pickle said:
xnopasaranx basically your rant could be summed up as "dont tell me what to do, cause i want to do it"
What? I don't understand what you mean by that, can you elaborate on or rephrase that?

Mr.Confuzed said:
xnopasaranx said:
However if you are a rational thinking person but still believe in some sort of higher entity I am really interested in what you have to say about this madness!
Excellent! Thank you for consulting a qualified rational thinker.
Who did I consult if I may ask? I am asking everyone who is deeming themselves not fanatically religious... I feel it is my obligation to state that I do not wish to exclude people of any faith. So yeah, I am asking you!

Mr.Confuzed said:
xnopasaranx said:
...morons banned the Harry Potter books in christian libraries in Bavaria...

And now the latest Southpark episode has been pulled by Comedy Central and will be censored...
Okay, so here you don't approve of censorship.
Censorship is a complex matter. It always depends on what reasons censorship is being applied for. Child pornography should be censored for example, while I strongly disapprove of censorship of the newsmedia like it's done in the US. Poltical satire also should be left uncensored. Of course this cannot be enforced as a general rule.

EDIT: Grammar
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Sorry for the double post, but this is the second half. It wouldn't let me post it in one because of the quotes...

Mr.Confuzed said:
xnopasaranx said:
This is why I demand that all religious belief systems are to be strictly controlled by governments. Religion has nothing to do in schools, tainting the minds of children, and it must not have to have any influence on political decision making.
And here you want to censor religion from schools.

You can't have it both ways unless you're a government. It would be better to promote fair religious representation in schools, which would include your point of view as well. After all, how can we learn from past mistakes if we don't teach our children what went wrong, and right with religions.
I am not asking to censor religion from school, I am asking to exclude religious dogmae and ideology from public education. Quran school, temple, christian bible studie, whatever faith belongs into the private sector and should have no part in public education!!! History and social/cultural studies should educate about the different world religions to encourage tolerance, it should never teach religion!

Mr.Confuzed said:
xnopasaranx said:
Now we have a whole continent of starving people, corrupt governments, war, AIDS and the fucking former pope has the balls to tell them to accept their pain as god given and not use condoms?!?!?!
Oh, ha ha. No no, the pope just said he preferred not to use condoms. The whole thing just got blown out of proportion.
Oh okay, I did not know that. Used that as an example to promote my point of religion being instrumentalized as a means of oppression, sorta in a marxist coherance ("opium for the masses"). I have a tendency to be polemic (this is a rant after all).

Mr.Confuzed said:
xnopasaranx said:
All I want is for this whole madness to stop and for people to keep it to themselves.
How shall we proceed, Supreme Commander?
Don't embarrass yourself... kill all the non-believers of course, I think it's actually been written somewhere here in my holy bible/quran/tanakh by some random guys from the desert some 2000+ years ago, if I didn't misinterprete anything.

Exophase said:
Islamic extremists sending out death threats in response to someone mocking them (especially any portrayal of Muhammed, especially a negative one) is hardly anything new.
Well yes, which is exactly my point! And so have christian crazy threatened to do whatever if gay marriage is being legalized, scientologists have sued dozens of journalists, psychaetrists, scholars and critics to the point of ruining their lives, completely out of line jews have taken zionism to a new level where it is apparently okay to shoot and kill entire villages just to settle somewhere, etc. etc. etc., so I really think it's time for this shit to stop!

I did a little bit of thinking last night and since I am not that worked up anymore, I would like to elaborate on a few points I tried to make.

Religious belief vs. science: Yes, scientifics paradigms have a tendency to become obsolete. That exactly is the difference between them and religious ideology. Religion is purely based on exemplary evidence if at any evidence all, it also is not subject to proof and change! Scientific theorems can be dislodged and replaced if found not to be plausible. While there are certain religions which offer a platform to discussion as for example judaism, that encourages the exposition of the underlying scripture, it does as all religions that I find offensively aggressive claim to be unerrable. This is for example the case with the pope who is by nature of existance and appointment by god infallible which is why the catholic church still does not accept any other religion as equally true, but instead deems any other confession to be false. So fuck them!

Although one may argue that science is just a matter of belief as religion is, these differences are setting both apart fundamentally. They may coexist, the blief in logic and science doesn't necessarily nullify personal beliefs. Religious belief must not in any case however replace or supress science and logic as the most important premise of social interaction, rational thinking and judgement.

Religion has characterized every culture of the world. It has formed many of todays social rules and moral, no matter what confession. Religion can also aid in ethical discourses, it must not govern them however.
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Heck, I haven't even heard of that Harry Potter thing in Bavaria, and that's where I live after all :(

Also, Family Guy makers had huge troubles and to censor a episode where Peter would meet the great prophet and more or less just say "Hi". It's all crazyness.
kuru said:
Heck, I haven't even heard of that Harry Potter thing in Bavaria, and that's where I live after all :(

Also, Family Guy makers had huge troubles and to censor a episode where Peter would meet the great prophet and more or less just say "Hi". It's all crazyness.
Yeah that thing over in bavaria was a while ago and not really a big concern to the public as it was only a smaller bunch of christian libraries as far as I recall. Same as with my bashing the pope, this is pretty much solely polemic and just another occasion that I got really put off by religious fanaticism.

Sonst ist Bayern ja ganz schön, aber das erzkatholische nervt halt ^^.

EDIT: Sources about similar incidents... sadly in German though, use google yourself ;)
Something for the German readers: Gabriele Kuby, known critic of the Harry Potter books
Harry Potter books banned from a grammar school in Chemnitz
I can't find a source for the Bavarian incident but this is pretty much the same story only in a different province. If you google "Harry Potter" + "Occultism" you will find articles from all over the world where off the charts insane parents and saviours of mankind and the holy protectors of education and childhood in general have managed to ban an innocent youths book from schools. Almost entirely in educated and modern countries if I may add.
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xnopasaranx said:
And how is this contradicting my points exactly?
From the very first line of my post, with emphasis
WizardStan said:
Just playing devil's advocate and intentionally missing the point of your post. :P

I was basically countering your "religion is fiction" statement with (paraphrased) "there's about as much evidence to support some creationist theories as there are to support big bang, universal bubble, and dark matter theories". So you blatantly saying "there is no god" simply because there's no evidence to support it, I can say "there is no dark matter" and as far as anyone can prove be equally correct.
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WizardStan said:
xnopasaranx said:
And how is this contradicting my points exactly?
From the very first line of my post, with emphasis
WizardStan said:
Just playing devil's advocate and intentionally missing the point of your post. :P

I was basically countering your "religion is fiction" statement with (paraphrased) "there's about as much evidence to support some creationist theories as there are to support big bang, universal bubble, and dark matter theories". So you blatantly saying "there is no god" simply because there's no evidence to support it, I can say "there is no dark matter" and as far as anyone can prove be equally correct.
Well, yes I get that you wanted to debunk the whole idea of a universal truth... that isn't the thing I am looking for. Creationism shall not be discussed here. See, the sole idea the mankind actually is the offspring of adam and eve is proven crap, we can argue about evolution all we want, evolution remains fact eventhough there are arguably more options than darwinism. I never said god didn't exist (well, I did sort of by calling this all superstition) but that taking it as a given truth that non fundamentalist people have to no matter what respect while not respecting any of their ideas pisses me the hell of. If I ever meet god, I'll ask him if he exists. I never wanted to claim that I infact know the universal truth, my ramblings pretty much support your point in that aspect.

Comparing religion to science is flawed though. We are not talking about abstract theories, we are talking "some guys wrote down a bunch of anecdotes and rules on a couple of pages in the desert some 2000 years ago, trying to explain life in all it's aspect through the concept of an occult force that can never be understood, questioned nor perceived until we all die" versus "there are actual scientifically proven facts that we can derive different theories and models from to aid us in our quest to explain our existance in the universe"... This is why I am calling religion fiction, because there is nothing more to base any of the ideology on, than collections of stories.
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Yeah, it made me sick to have South Park censored. I thought 'finally, someone is standing up to Muslim extremists'. I hoped that they would make fun of Mohammad and nothing would happen, just basically a bunch of empty death threats and the world could take a few steps forward and away from senseless acts of terrorism. Unfortunately that didn't happen.

Also, you shouldn't clump Muslim extremists into everyone else's religion. Every time something like this happens, or worse an actual terrorist attack by Muslim extremists, you can't just say 'religion, religion, it's all about religion' because it's not, this is a problem with one religion, not all religions. Also, the world wouldn't be all rosy if there were no religions and I doubt any better, people are people and kill each other. I mean, if its not a religion telling you to do something it's government, it's society, it's the guy that is a charismatic speaker. There would be just as much screwed up things happing in a world without religion, just no where to look to for comfort.