Sound issue after Hotfix5 install..


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
I had recently installed hotfix 5 beta 2 ... and for some reason. Some games (not all) but some... literally have no volume or sound at all.

With the games that do have audio you can distinctly hear the speakers turn on with a blip of white noise prior to game loading....and it works fine.

Games like Alienblaster, and Ken's Labrinth, psx4all, atari7800 and a few others have no audio... no matter the volume change.

Has this happened to anyone else... and does anyone think it has to do with Hotfix 5...?

Personally I don't believe it does.... but what else would cause this software issue in some games and apps over others. If it was the HF5 wouldn't it effect all apps and programs?

I know I don't have much to go on and my explanation is vague ... but its the only way I can describe it.

Any help would be appreciative
It's more than likely a hf5 bug. Report it on the beta test topic, If you haven't already.

It must be HF5's fault, unless you happened to be violently shaking the Pandora while you were upgrading. :P
I had recently installed hotfix 5 beta 2 ... and for some reason. Some games (not all) but some... literally have no volume or sound at all.


Did you reinstall the codec pack as well?

If you didn't, try installing it and see if that helps.