Soul Crushed.


Still Fresh
Aug 4, 2010
Welp. I really wish i hadn't done this.......
I went and read the developer blog.
batch 1 is done Dec 15. Meaning, nope - no pandora for christmas.
This means that, being in batch 2, in the que at 650 - 750
I'll most likely get my hands on one around January - March.
Oh well. I suppose the waiting game isnt terrible, after all, I've only been playing since August. Only four months, pathetic against you batch one veterans :p.
Anywho, in NO way, shape, or form am i complaining. Hats off to you, OP. I commend you for your awesome customer service, updates, and support even in such stressful times, and by no means blame you for slow production. But, I really do believe the nubs were worth all this headache, i cant wait to play quake three in the middle of the highway on my 3G stick with my beautiful nubs.
I've got that over you, oh-so-glamorous batch one'ers.
Infact, I can go on to even:
-No bezel!
-LCD fixed :D
-Nubs :D
- Case fixes (I THINK.)
That's not to make fun of you guys. It's just to console myself.
Blue Protoman said:
Consider me in your shoes, except I haven't ordered mine yet.

How many units are there in Batch 1? 3000?

I'm around line 1000 in Batch one, I'll probably get mine in April 2011.
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Don't feel too bad... These delays have been going on forever. I ordered mine last September and was told it was going to be released that October. I don't know what place I am in line, though I've asked. I never got a reply, and I suspect they're really busy anyway, so I'm guessing I'm near the end of the line, myself (unless a lot of people canceled lol).

This is like a test of patience. I'm just keeping myself busy with other systems and projects in the meanwhile. ;)

linc186 said:
-No bezel!
What do you mean by "no bezel"?
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We are not complaining about the OPT but the Companies that are involved should be ashamed.

The whole situation is disgusting and makes you wonder how these Companies keep winning business that they struggle/cannot be bothered to fullfill!!!!!

They should be named and shamed in a fair and factual manner!

OPT keep pushing and when possible move production of nubs,boards etc to reliable companies - we all want this to be a success and a platform to build on in the years to come (at the moment that seems like a distant dream).
andmaz said:
We are not complaining about the OPT but the Companies that are involved should be ashamed.

The whole situation is disgusting and makes you wonder how these Companies keep winning business that they struggle/cannot be bothered to fullfill!!!!!

They should be named and shamed in a fair and factual manner!

OPT keep pushing and when possible move production of nubs,boards etc to reliable companies - we all want this to be a success and a platform to build on in the years to come (at the moment that seems like a distant dream).

That's the spirit!
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Before you all march off with your pitchforks and torches in an angry mob, don't you think you should have heard both sides of any story?
Your soul was probably going to break soon anyway if it's already crushed and you're not even in the first batch.
Asmo said:
Before you all march off with your pitchforks and torches in an angry mob, don't you think you should have heard both sides of any story?

Thats why I said;

"They should be named and shamed in a fair and factual manner!"

From what OPT have reported they have made some mistakes but the majority have been from the nub,case and board Companies - 25 months wait plus is not good! and most of that is down to these Companies - forget volcano excuses etc that hardly impacted on 25 months!!!!!!!!
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You assume most of it was down to these companies. How can you be sure OP played no part in the problems?
We can't, but it's been a LONG time for it to be entirely the fault of the contractors, especially AFTER so many people have handed over their cash. I suspect that OPT have made mistakes with this as well. Yes, of course small clients often get strung along by suppliers, and I know how hard it can be to chase those kinds of people down, but for two YEARS? That's a hell of a long time to wait on an order. None of us were involved, of course, we don't know for sure, but you have to wonder if OPT could have handled this better.

Ah well, shoulda woulda coulda. But let's be honest, does anyone really think the whole of batch 1 is going to get delivered on December 15th? We've been here before, haven't we? Fool me once, shame on you, etc... ;)
andmaz said:
25 months wait plus is not good! and most of that is down to these Companies

The case molds weren't even ordered until late last year. The go-ahead for actual case production wasn't given until earlier this year.

The board company were put on hold while the WiFi resistor problem was sorted out - and then when the Nubs were found to be fatally flawed. They had been producing boards earlier this year, now they can't finish any until they have the new Nubs. If they'd made 4000 more last month it wouldn't make any difference until the Nubs are delivered to them.
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lobski said:
Blue Protoman said:
Consider me in your shoes, except I haven't ordered mine yet.

How many units are there in Batch 1? 3000?

I'm around line 1000 in Batch one, I'll probably get mine in April 2011.

I'm wondering if it's a joke or did you finally crack that time machine problem? ;)

In a bit of a mess myself, looks like I'll be relocating to China for 18 months starting December (around mid December).
I live in Israel and am not keen on changing my order address at this point to China... well, who knows, maybe it'll get here before I go... :(
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centus said:
I'm wondering if it's a joke or did you finally crack that time machine problem? ;)

Errrr I don't get it. Did you think he wrote April 2010?
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centus said:
I'm wondering if it's a joke or did you finally crack that time machine problem? ;)

It's 2010, mate.
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Re: Delays.

Lack of professional/experienced project management is a core problem. For example; ever seen what happens when people self manage building a house with little or no experience?

The other would be the relatively tiny orders.
I've worked as an industrial designer for a toy firm and our minimum parts/assembly orders were 10000's units, the factories don't take you seriously if your ordering in the 100's. It takes them just as long to tool up for a fraction of the revenue so no business person would blame them, they're not operating a charity.

The trouble with this project is that by the time half of the people who want a Pandora can actually get one, the platform will be defunct.
The TV out cables seem to have fallen off the face of the earth! No mention of them......the last I heard was from EvilDragon saying they'd be sorting them out middle of october (or did they mean October 2011?!)....
NickLoTurco said:
The TV out cables seem to have fallen off the face of the earth! No mention of them......the last I heard was from EvilDragon saying they'd be sorting them out middle of october (or did they mean October 2011?!)....
I can't find the discussion now, but in the other, official forum, Evil Dragon is adamant that they'll be able to focus on them once the stress of batch one is out of the way. Apparently there are calls and yelling (my interpretation) to be done and they just don't want to have to deal with it right now, but it will be done "soon".
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NickLoTurco said:
The TV out cables seem to have fallen off the face of the earth! No mention of them......the last I heard was from EvilDragon saying they'd be sorting them out middle of october (or did they mean October 2011?!)....

He recently changed that back to 'when batch 1 is complete'.

You'd have to conclude money is the issue, finished samples were shown aeons ago.

First Sighting of AV Cables, Sept. 2009
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