Sonic Cd


Certified Guru
Sep 10, 2004
Middle of Nowhere, USA
I've always been a big Sonic fan (Sonic is ten times cooler than Mario... and Mario's pretty cool!), but I was never lucky enough to own a Sega CD. :(

But I just picked up Sonic Gems Collection for the GameCube, which includes Sonic CD. Now that I've played it... I don't get why everyone's so excited about it. Sure, the FMV's cool and the music's definitely better than the cartridge games, but the gameplay's so slow.

Load times are really fast on the GameCube (I'd assume they were pretty nasty on an old Sega CD), but something about a Sonic game with loading screens mid-level really bothers me. The time travel idea could have been cool, but, again, it seems to me like it only slows down the pace because you have to watch that clip of Sonic going through time and then a loading screen and then you start playing again.

And what's the deal with the UFO bonus levels? :huh: Seems to me it was just a bad excuse to throw some mode7-esque gameplay onto the Genesis, but it just seems out of place to me.

And finally, the level design simply can't match Sonic 2 (or 3 or Knuckles, etc..). :(

Come on, Sega fanboys (I know you're out there..), tell me I'm wrong or that the later levels get better or something.
The zones are pretty inventive, I like the artwork a lot (unlike the style in any other Sonic game, different team made it). I love seeing how the levels change in the different time periods, or the good/bad futures you cause when you change the past. The music is also fantastic in the US and EU/JP versions.
I think it's rubbish as well. I own the sega cd version, which came with the system when I picked it up on ebay, and I played through the first 5 levels or so. Yawn.

I dont think it's the best sonic game at all. I prefer the good old 1,2, and 3 on the genesis :)

.....On the other hand, go pick up a sega cd and Shining Force CD. Now THAT game is amazing (see sig :D )
I agree that the concept's pretty cool. It could really keep things fresh being able to run through levels and each time it's going to be a bit different. Genius--exactly what I expect from Sega.

But I think the Sega CD hardware just wasn't right for it. I'd love to see them try something like this again on the DS. Now that could be a great game. :D

Right now I'm looking to buy a Sega Saturn, but after I do that I'll definitely think about getting a Sega CD. I've missed out on so much. :o
As long as you've got a Sega CD try both Ecco games-- they're amazing, especially the music, and Tides of Time's videos, while dithered, are quite awesome as well.
Epicenter posted on Oct 8 2006 at 01:20 AM said:
As long as you've got a Sega CD try both Ecco games-- they're amazing, especially the music, and Tides of Time's videos, while dithered, are quite awesome as well.
Will definitly keep them in mind, but I'll have to buy them in a few months when I get a job and/wor get some more money. I just over-extended myself even more and purchased Shining Force III :o !
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The PC version of Sonic CD was really good... too bad Windows XP broke it. Basically zero loading times and very well ported.
Mudi posted on Oct 9 2006 at 01:40 PM said:
The PC version of Sonic CD was really good... too bad Windows XP broke it. Basically zero loading times and very well ported.
IIRC it hasn't worked correctly in Windows 98 and up. Maybe it worked in 95 correctly ... if you look at the box (they've re-released it so many times I lost count, and it can still be found in stores) the box flap lists all the common OS'es you can think of from Win 3.1 to XP, Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X .. and every single one of them is marked NOT SUPPORTED. That's astonishingly accurate. :lol:
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Mudi posted on Oct 11 2006 at 01:14 AM said:
It worked perfectly in Win98 and Win95, but after upgrading to WinXP it stopped. I found a patch somewhere that fixed it for WinXP once, but I haven't been able to find it since.

EDIT: Aha, found it:

Yeah, I've tried all sorts of patches but to no avail. I ended up just downloading the ISO and playing it with Gens. Works just as well, no loading times, and the original music :D
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I liked Sonic CD it was brilliantly laid out and pretty awsome the only downside was when you got all the time crystals it lost all replayability.

Music was awsome on most levels. shame the "evil" sonic robot (best 1 out of all 3 generations) from this game never got a descent break even in sonic heros it was poor.

oh asnd ecco dolphin CD = Awsome
Eternal champions was good too shame it was never updated for the 32 bit consoles
Sonic CD has always been my favourite as long as it's the JP or EU version (due to the music - US versions sucks).

I think I like it most because it almost feels like a prototype, a chance to see Sonicteam taking a creative risk just to see what happens.

The results are pleasing if a little inconsistent with the Sonic universe (which is now in ruins anyway), and I have no problem going back to it over and over again.