do you have a card reader? If so, insert into the card reader, and right click on the drive in my computer. Go to properties, and it'll say the space used and space still available.
If you have no card reader, there's a program or driver(I can't remember anymore which it is... either way, you can get SOMETHING) that will tell windows XP that the GP32 basically is a card reader or just extra memory device... then you do the same thing you would if you had a card reader to find out how much space you have. I think the thing is called GPDrive or something like that... check the file archive for it, or try using the forum's search function. You should be able to find what you need.
It occurrs to me that if you don't already know about it, you might be interested in getting a different firmware. There are some really great ones available. I recommend that you try the Slubman Firmware (gpdrive Version), it's one of the best. It may be very suited to your needs because it actually contains a version of phoDrive embedded within it. You can even format your smc with it, and it does many other useful things besides. Since I started using it, I haven't needed to use GP Manager or a card reader at all
I would never dream of going back to the European firmware now.