someone please login for me


GP Guru Wannabe
Mar 8, 2003
The shit site wont work for me and im at my wits end i dont know if what im asking will work but its got to be worth a shot here goes. Will someone login with my details user name JOHNNO15 password JOHNNY and download the freelauncher for me and email it to me at ive allready done all the stuff required when i first got the gp32 so in theory this should work please please please please please please please :(
Are you getting the thing where you log in and it logs you out when you click download?

I got that to but it eventually loged in...
it says first you must register your gp32 authentication ID when you try and download the freelauncher for me when im logged in as you even though it says "Authentication of your GP32 is Complete!" a bit earlier.
I can log in as you fine, but it says that you havent registered yet. I'll send you the registration wizard and you can run that, then post again for someone to get you the freelauncher (you need to have registered using the registreation wiz first).
Depending on your Internet Explorer security settings, you maybe be blocking cookies from 3rd parties.

What this means is that, if you visit then the only domain allowed to set cookies on your PC will be *, but what actually happens is that GamePark's website tries to set the cookie as coming from therefore your PC will not accept the cookie and you will get a little icon with a eye and a minus sign inside a red circle. This icon is located on the bottom right side of your browser window, in the status bar.

To get around this issue you can visit the site directly by going to

Please let me know if this helps. I logged in using the username and password that you posted, but when I tried to download the Free Launcher for you it told me that you had not yet completed the authentication process.

Addition to what JCB posted.

You can also go to Tools->Internet options on IE.
SElect the privacy tab
SEt the privacy level to low

Try loggin in
:D Axeman yes i got it thank you everyone for your responses i can login as my self on linux browsers on my mates computer but for some reason it wont allow me to do it on mine im just trying the reg wizard u sent me