As an Anarchist I deny the benefits and legitimacy of nation states and all other heirarchical power structures, they are fundamentally dehuminising and do much more harm than good.
Ah, but can we really exist without them? So long as there is one person stronger than another, and the other willing to fall under the stronger's protection, there will be a hierarchy. Societal simulations have suggested that even in a completely chaotic situation, order will emerge. Groups have a greater chance at survival, and so it should be no surprise when groups start forming. Two people work together to gather food. A third joins them with their own skills. A fourth and a fifth, the group grows and prospers. Decisions need to be made, and one way or another, some form of government will form to make those decisions. Groups will meet other groups and claims over resources will be made, fights will break out as more hostile groups rise to try and take from others, for such groups always seem to exist. Two groups might form a pact in an attempt to gain ground against a third group, promising to split the spoils. The third group finds a fourth to amalgamate with to protect itself. Larger groups find promise in central establishment, pulling up land for farms and permanent housing that can be continually expanded, enhanced, and reinforced. Eventually you come right back to where we began: order and hierarchy, nations and government, all have been reestablished in some form out of complete chaos. It is not the same order that we have today. Whether it's better or worse is impossible to tell. But it is the nature of natural evolution to move from chaos to order. Anarchists that I've spoken with seem to think that anarchy can be maintained somehow, or that any society that evolves out of the chaos would necessarily be better than what we have now. Personally, I'd rather not take any chances with natural evolution.