Some New Info From Virginplay


Mar 15, 2004
Virginplay finally reply some questions, here a part of them:

1-they want to start a dedicated gp32 site,probably online NEXT week,with his own online shop (if not, you all can buy it from the normal online shop in

2-this site WILL not be in european languages, like deutsche, french etc, becuase the "first" clients are only Spain,Portugal and Italy.Although, you can buy it with his online shop.

3-i suppose (its my opinion) the site will be translated to this countries languages (spanish, of course,portuguese and italian).

They return to say some shops and big shops where we can buy it,for example:
El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Centro Mail, FNAC, Carrefour, Alcampo...

these --could-- be an alternative ways to buy it, because El corte ingles has his own website (i dont know if they ship worlwide), and of course centro mail has website,as FNac,carrefour or alcampo.

at the same time, i wrotte some mails to this online sites for more info,extras and some of them hasnt news about the system (El corte ingles and Media Markt) and some others have it (centromail) but dont know when have the gp32 to sell.

Distribution problems?? i dont know, the only thing its no magazine,no ad in tv, no more news.
falken80 ,virginplay specify fnac as a sellers.
So if fnac sells the gp32 in his "shops", i suppose the same in his online shops, i will writte them a mail for more info (to fnac spain)
Knowing Italian is good :) If they only translate to Spanish, Protugese (sp) and Italian, I can still read it w/o anyone needing to translate :D

i wrotte a mail to Media Markt girona to know if they will defintely sell the gp32, and thats was the reply (sorry, i have few time, so i use an automatic translation:

" (F.F.) " Matter:
For: Date:
On Thursday, the 15th April, 2004 17:09:50 +100

In response to your consultation, several topics to commenting...

Already we know since(as) all they were traversing rumors of his your distribution in Spain for
Company VirginPlay, but NOBODY we knew anything, it does relatively little, 2
Days exactly I was present personally at a presentation for 3 centers
Of Catalunya in our head offices. In her(it) it(he,she) us appeared and us
I explain all the advantages of this console, to my it looks like a good "machine"
To do of "EVERYTHING", with which it will take the whole support as my part(report) and her(it) of
I centre for all the users of the above mentioned console.
As for my companion J. S, it is logical that it(he,she) was answering what
You comment since we cannot speak about anything that we did not even know to
Certain science that it(he,she) dates exact would have his(her,your) exit, we all know that
He(She) speaks about a concrete game that will be the bomb and then you do not see it to go out to
Market up to 1 or 2 years later, then the one who wants it?? Seriously I do not believe(create)
That is a bad information that my companion to darling trasmitir, also
To say to you that VirginPlay is doing presentations of the product to everything
Commercial net. In our case we are a multinational but every shop is
Independent with which I believe that Virgin has not happened(passed) for the zone of
The Levant to give information mas concrete.
As for the information of price, bulging and if it(he,she) takes some complement,
There are some of them for defining...
The console will go out in May (exact date to determining) I calculate that for
Middle or ends(finals), his(her,your) official price will be exactly of 199,95 €,
Games will be between(among) 29,95 and 34,95 €. In all that if it(he,she) will come with some
Complement, I you inform that nowadays the machine will come "peeled", or
Box, manual, GP32BLU, 2 pilasAA, a CD with software to manage
Content of the cards, including basic programs to visualize
Photographies, videos, text, etc ... and the cable USB. We are trying(mean) that for
The same price includes a card, but it this one as I say to you for
To determine.
Also to say to you that VirginPlay will update shortly his(her,your) page giving mas
Information, as we will report to the consumer
Throwing of the GP32BLU in our web page.
If you are interested in making yourself the reservation(reserve) do not hesitate to put in touch with

Waiting for the information be of usefulness(utility), it(he,she) receives a cordial greeting.

F. F.
Resp. Software
Media Markt Girona
Telf. 9xxxxxxx

some extra info:catalunya its a region of Spain, and the mail was because i wrotte a mail to media markt valencia and they dont know nothing (the reply was to days ago), in media markt girona, in catalunya, have more info.

some extra things....Media mArtk Maybe (i said maybe) add a 128 sd card,because they always make a different offers.

sorry for the bad translation,but i havent many time =/

edit:for request of media markt i delete names and mails,but the info its complete and true.(law reasons)
Thanx a lot for the news! :)
I really hope it'll be released at the begining of May and I'll go in Spain to buy it! :)
Italy here! :P
I hope to finally put my hands on the GP32! I've waited so long... I'm impatient... :rolleyes:

I hope will be sold in the next 3 weeks.. May is coming! Be prepared to have a brunch of new developers!!! :blink: :lol:

The only bad thing should be the price... :( it's higher than LikSang FLU version... Hope they put a SMC with GPCinema and FreeLauncher. :D

Thanks for the news ilarri

falken80, this info its for you and for the french people.
The rumours says that Shibuya,creators of Blue Angelo gp32 game, want to distribute the system in France.
thats maybe a good news ,are you agree?¿
yeah, 200 euros, but you have for this price:

-a perfect NES emulator with more than 8000 roms
-a perfect game gear emulator with manyyyyyy roms
-a perfect master system emulator, with manyyyyyyyyy roms
-a perfect game boy/game boy color emulator with many moreeeeee roms
-a perfect pce emulator
different demos, not full but near emulators (snes,mega drive), various firmwares to adapt your "desktop".

Portable nes system* game gear + game boy color + snes + megadrive +doom + fenix div games + future mame + portable BoR what do you want more????? yeah, the prize its high, but how many you would pay por this systems SEPARETLY???

only for me, NES,pce and Gb this system ARE GREAT.... why cant spend this money for this great emus?? there are NO reason to day NO, so buy it! S*IT!!
ilarri posted on Apr 18 2004 at 12:50 AM said:
yeah, 200 euros, but you have for this price:

-a perfect NES emulator with more than 8000 roms
-a perfect game gear emulator with manyyyyyy roms
-a perfect master system emulator, with manyyyyyyyyy roms
-a perfect game boy/game boy color emulator with many moreeeeee roms
-a perfect pce emulator
different demos, not full but near emulators (snes,mega drive), various firmwares to adapt your "desktop".

Portable nes system* game gear + game boy color + snes + megadrive +doom + fenix div games + future mame + portable BoR what do you want more????? yeah, the prize its high, but how many you would pay por this systems SEPARETLY???

only for me, NES,pce and Gb this system ARE GREAT.... why cant spend this money for this great emus?? there are NO reason to day NO, so buy it! S*IT!!
I think guyz like you rock! :D
With guyz like you, GP32 will still live! :D
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falken80, this info its for you and for the french people.
The rumours says that Shibuya,creators of Blue Angelo gp32 game, want to distribute the system in France.
thats maybe a good news ,are you agree?¿

thanks ilarri

I know that shibuya want to distribute the gp32 Blu in france. But shibuya is only an online store. :(
ilarri posted on Apr 18 2004 at 12:50 AM said:
yeah, 200 euros, but you have for this price:

-a perfect NES emulator with more than 8000 roms
-a perfect game gear emulator with manyyyyyy roms
-a perfect master system emulator, with manyyyyyyyyy roms
-a perfect game boy/game boy color emulator with many moreeeeee roms
-a perfect pce emulator
different demos, not full but near emulators (snes,mega drive), various firmwares to adapt your "desktop".

Portable nes system* game gear + game boy color + snes + megadrive +doom + fenix div games + future mame + portable BoR what do you want more????? yeah, the prize its high, but how many you would pay por this systems SEPARETLY???

only for me, NES,pce and Gb this system ARE GREAT.... why cant spend this money for this great emus?? there are NO reason to day NO, so buy it! S*IT!!
Man, I couldn't let that post slip by without saying: near perfect C64 emu!!!! :D

GP32 is worth the price of admission just for Frodo :)
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