Its Only A Rumour But....


Mar 15, 2004
ok,i read today a info, from a guy called xan-vision, that says that he is the main programmer of a little company called qbix (
he says that they have a 3D engine to make a Race game for gp32.
the original idea its an arcade stule, in the middley way into BURNOUT and OUTRUN,but they need money to develop the game, and they ask virginplay, and virginplay, if we can trust the story,ask gamepark.
and they recieved a middle reply,virginplay and gamepark want to sells the gp32 like a multimedia engine, that brings the possibility to listen mp3, see divs, and have emulators.

thats a interesting info,that MAY BE TRUE, if we think about the NO info comming lately from virginplay and gamepark,the stopped projects for gp32 in korea.
an example, virginplay still havent a ESCLUSIVE gp32 site,with info and more,noting by now, only a crappy banner.

this guy want to made a poll to know how many people would like a game like this,because they hasnt enought money to ditribute themselves the game, they need the gamepark and virginplay colaboration.

if we believe this info, that i retry its a rumour,virginplay and gamepark DONT have plans to translate more games than the orginal release and the others 2 ended...
So no ASR,because they dont believe in his own product.


if somebody has info, said it NOW,thats the moment to help the launch,maybe in december colud be too LATE.
you can read the all story (sorry in spansih,but use a online translator guys!! ¬¬)

i dont know more than this
i will try to add more info if i have the opportunity
some more news, remembering his last post (not many) he says the 22 Febrary:

"No te falta razón, Djsyto, en cuanto a que no hay ningun gran juego de coches. Pero si hay un poco de suerte (recemosle a la Virgen del amor Gpero ) pronto habra un cambio ALUCINANTE en ese aspecto, un puto bombazo que creo que colmará las espectativas mas optimistas de cualquier usuario gpero. (Y de momento, hasta aqui puedo leer... )" xan_vision,22 febrary

a translation:

xxx,there arent any great race game.
but with some lucky(hope the Virgin of Gplove) soon we can see a expectacular change in this aspect,a great bomb-news that would like the espectatives of the most optimistics gp users.
(and by now that the only thing that i can read "a expression from a tv programm here,that means thats the all info that he can says..."

read and translate it :
(the last post of the first page)

that means that the project have some months...or the fake its prepared with many many time..but, in my opinion, itrs true, a bad true,yeah,but finally the true =/
That sounds like a ridiculously bad idea. A multimedia engine? native MP3 players would kick the GP32s ass and it's only a fairly decent low priced video player. Unless they can develope a GPcinema capable of 24fps that plays for more than 2 hours form a 128SMC that plan is already a doomed one.

The thing PLAYS GAMES, THERE ARE GAMES WORTH PLAYING, TRANSLATE THEM. Yeah, homebrew is great but nothing beats an official full scale game! As for funding new games, I kinda expected that. If they're hardly making ends meet there wont be money for funding but they cant advertise emulators or theyll just get snuffed like the zodiac's GB emulator did.'s like they WANT it to fail.
that sounds crazy

i have a feeling that game park could go under while trying to start the european lauch

If we want good games in our gp32 we should support it. would you buy this games or not???

PD: excuse my english that isn't too good :)
I think that if Gamepark isnt going to make Games then they should die! :D But seriously, I would rather them fund a Payback port then of some crappy racing game.

And I think a great way to support the GP32 and by telling them that we will buy games is to buy at least one game each off of JoyGP.
Enslaved posted on Apr 10 2004 at 06:06 AM said:
And I think a great way to support the GP32 and by telling them that we will buy games is to buy at least one game each off of JoyGP.
Yes - (in fact, I picked up Tomak and Pinball Dreams the other day) but I have to doubt that JoyGP will pick up in traffic much from the Euro release...too many hoops to jump through (registration, CC/Paypal mileages, exchange rates, etc.), not to mention (some) people are going to hesistate to use a pay-per-download system on a tricky-to-navigate site cluttered with broken English. Personally I think Gamepark/Virgin ought to give people some incentive to use JoyGP - slipping a 20,000-mileage credit in with each unit would be a good start..

Just a thought.
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I have two games from Joy GP and have found the site to be very easy to use.

I may even buy Tomak and Kemichi in a coule of weeks.
The Mole posted on Apr 10 2004 at 03:47 AM said:
I have two games from Joy GP and have found the site to be very easy to use.

I may even buy Tomak and Kemichi in a coule of weeks.
Beware of Tomak as there are some music issues (The volume of the music constantly increases and decreases when you play, it stays at a constant volume if you pause the game, though). If you can live with that, which I found very easy to live with, go and buy it.

BTW, which games did you buy from JoyGP already?
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crappy 3d engine y read somewhere (Enslaved) ok.
more info:

Range of devices currently supported by our system
Preliminar support for Gamepark's GP32 console exist. Currently we are waitting for third party support to start the development of a product for this fine machine.

All the ARM-optimized code is also implemented in portable C, we are not tied to a particular CPU/OS. For instance, the system is also running on PC and Mac OS X.

and they say, in our forum (gp32spain) that this game, resident evil MAYBE exit with a free demo,depends of many things...but maybe.

they are thincking about show something running with his engine,because they havent all ended by now.

another guys from this company, Peskanov, makes this great demos and videos some time ago for amiga (they have experience):
(phase 1 demo,by the old nickname capsule) (the video)
and the demo, for running in real amiga or winuae:

ok, that the all info that i have by now,im triying to speak IN person with some of the team, and then i will see something, i suppose.

respect the non officials news, about the plans of virginplay, im seeing that they, here in spain, 1 month before, dont show pictures in magazines,no publicity in nowhere,only a crappy banner in his site...yes, they are thincking thats a "freak system" with some interesting features...and if they thinck with this way, its true hard to see ASR in english, and some other stop porjects (like goddes saga).
The key now its in gamepark hands, they have the last opinion.

i will update this with many info when i can, stay on!

p:i believe this words,virginplay dont works good with the gp32 =(
Azure posted on Apr 10 2004 at 06:04 PM said:
The Mole posted on Apr 10 2004 at 03:47 AM said:
I have two games from Joy GP and have found the site to be very easy to use.

I may even buy Tomak and Kemichi in a coule of weeks.
Beware of Tomak as there are some music issues (The volume of the music constantly increases and decreases when you play, it stays at a constant volume if you pause the game, though). If you can live with that, which I found very easy to live with, go and buy it.

BTW, which games did you buy from JoyGP already?
Pinball Dreams and Dungeon and Guarder, I rate them both highly. I have seen some rather negative comments on D+G but i think its a great game and reminds me very much of Golden Axe.
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