[SOLVED] Ubuntu on my netbook


Nov 24, 2010
So, I tried to install Ubuntu today on my netbook. But I am using a USB stick because I don't have a CDrom.

So story short, the point that I'm almost finnished installing ubuntu, an error occour. It jumps in to a textbox and says "something something panic"

And what I tried to do was installing it from the usb without rebooting my computer and booting from the usb.

I can't boot from the usb because my netbook refuses to listen to me.
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You should be able to boot from USB if you've come this far. Try another distro? And you ARE using UNetBootin, right?
When I needed to recover my cousin's netbook, getting it to boot from USB was a simple option in the bios. Ubuntu even has a specific netbook-on-usb version.
I'm using the universal-USB-installer

And yeah, I've changed the priority and when I get the boot menu, the stick isn't there :S
Aw maaaan, I am so sorry to bother you guys! But it seems that I automatically downloaded the 64-bit an d not 32-bit. That's why I didn't work.

So no worries! Now to try if minecraft works :D

Ubuntu is so changed since 10.10... looks very cool now!

Btw, is Ubuntu going to run slower since I install it as an application?
No (assuming you used Wubi or UNETBootin). Every time you boot it up you'll be able to pick either Windows or Ubuntu. More space is just taken up on your hard drive (because you've got both Ubuntu and Windows on there).
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Ok so everything works well now. Except that I wish I could play on my tv screen. I have a HDMI cable to plug in the laptop, but when that's done, there's only sound on the laptop and not the tv :S
You'll need a separate audio cable. HDMI is just video. Just get a male-to-male audio plug, they're inserted and used almost exactly like headphones.
But I have an optical cable in my tv so the surround should work. Did at least on windows :P

And HDMI is also audio