Microphone Input On Pandora?


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
So, is there a microphone input on the pandora?

I recently got a 3 mobile broaband USB stick working with my ubuntu netbook, thus making it essentially a mobile phone/skype-phone)

I can just imagine an even smaller version from my (now ordered) Pandora...

That would be nice huh?

edit: Wait, do you mean a microphone or a line in? I know there is a physical microphone built-in, but I think the line-in requires a special cable.
Miner49er said:
I recently got a 3 mobile broaband USB stick working with my ubuntu netbook, thus making it essentially a mobile phone/skype-phone)
Off-topic: which mobile broadband stick did you get working with your Ubuntu OS?


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fusion_power said:
I wonder, which programs will support the Mic, I haven't read about any projects that plan to support the Microphone yet.
I liked the fact that blowing into the mic on the DS could blow out candles in games etc., just seemed to add that little bit extra to the game and wouldn't be too hard to implement.

There are a couple of open source libraries that allow you to use voice commands with your computer, but I can't remember the names at the mo and I'm not sure if they would port easily to ARM.

Voice comms would probably be the best use of the mic at launch but I'm sure people will start to come up with more novel ways of using it sooner or later :)

EDIT: A Voice stress analysis tool like Liar Liar would be cool use of the mic :D
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
I liked the fact that blowing into the mic on the DS could blow out candles in games etc., just seemed to add that little bit extra to the game and wouldn't be too hard to implement.
Really? I hated that kind of thing. O_o
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But how stupid would you look talking with somebody through the built-in mic? A bluetooth headset would be a good option....
todd said:
Miner49er said:
I recently got a 3 mobile broaband USB stick working with my ubuntu netbook, thus making it essentially a mobile phone/skype-phone)
Off-topic: which mobile broadband stick did you get working with your Ubuntu OS?



It's a Huawei E160G HSDPA, black in colour and also takes microSD cards.

It's also PAYG, which is nice.

fischju2000 said:
But how stupid would you look talking with somebody through the built-in mic? A bluetooth headset would be a good option....
yeah, that would be cool but has an emergency could be useful. Yunno, phone's out of power or credit etc. To be honest though, I would use just 'cos I could :-)
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
There are a couple of open source libraries that allow you to use voice commands with your computer, but I can't remember the names at the mo and I'm not sure if they would port easily to ARM.

"Pandora, wiki search William Shatner"
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Miner49er said:
I recently got a 3 mobile broaband USB stick working with my ubuntu netbook, thus making it essentially a mobile phone/skype-phone)
I was just wondering, how simple would it be do get a usb modem working on the pandora. Would you just need to add a new connection and go through a config wizard as i hear works on other Linux computers? (I know very little about Linux in general.)

Also, would this or something similar be possible to be ported to pandora:

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Vorpal said:
I was just wondering, how simple would it be do get a usb modem working on the pandora. Would you just need to add a new connection and go through a config wizard as i hear works on other Linux computers? (I know very little about Linux in general.)

Also, would this or something similar be possible to be ported to pandora:


It should work fine, unless the drivers are closed for some reason. It looks like that program should be portable...

The config wizard would depend on the software, I doubt there will be such a thing built into Angstrom, but it shouldn't be hard to get the devices working.
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