[solved] bluetooth tethering?

Most Modern Smartphones have Wifi Hotspot option. For Android 2.2 its built in free.

Nokia http://www.nokiasymbianthemes.com/free-mobile-applications/8-best-nokia-wifi-hotspot-applications not free i think for nokia.

Stupid Nokia pc suite won't support linux http://getsatisfaction.com/nokia/topics/linux_version_of_nokia_pc_suite

quote:as far as im concerned, nokia can eat a bag of dicks....i will NEVER buy nokia again after my experience with their support (or lack thereof) staff

this made me laugh alot

Its better connection than bluetooth and has more range and up to 8 devices can be connected on my desire hd. Only issue is it uses a little more power on these phone. But still lasts all day.

p.s Go with 3 uk network and get ALL YOU CAN EAT DATA! including teathering.
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edit: seems you're not pairing it properly, maybe you have to go through Bluetooth manager, pandora side, set it to auto, then repeat 9-12 steps

if the phone is already paired, rfcomm bind command returns:

"Can't create device: Address already in use"

and rfcomm returns "closed"

in the bluetooth preferences manager, the "disconnect" button is greyed out, only "remove" is available, wich solves the errors, but then leads to the pairing from terminal issue

edit 2: make pandora search for your phone, not the other way
the phone is passive to me, i've just been trying to fill in what it asked me by itself :P

Provost Dhorkan: wifi eats more battery on both the phone and the pandora , so as i don't have 8 BT devices to use at once, bluetooth is better...
the samsung galaxy s (androind 2.2) wifi hot spot is not ad-hoc as I can connect to it from my pandora, but the ad-hoc connection i attempt to set up on my windows 7 pc does not work as that is ad-hoc
Nickie: wifi eats more battery on both the phone and the pandora , so as i don't have 8 BT devices to use at once, bluetooth is better...
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the samsung galaxy s (androind 2.2) wifi hot spot is not ad-hoc as I can connect to it from my pandora, but the ad-hoc connection i attempt to set up on my windows 7 pc does not work as that is ad-hoc

Excellent, Thanks, I knew it would work with the Pandora. Could you please tell what you think wifi has effect on battery vs bluetooth?
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tried commenting, nothing has changed :/

my phone asks for a pin, if i give anything then the pandora wants a pin, asked by the phone so it's like if the pppd commande makes the phone associate with the pandora, and not the other way around ?!
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tried commenting, nothing has changed :/

my phone asks for a pin, if i give anything then the pandora wants a pin, asked by the phone so it's like if the pppd commande makes the phone associate with the pandora, and not the other way around ?!

If you have time test this


Even if it uses more battery, at least it should work... don't bother it doesnt work, nokia suck, go Android and it just works with Pandora already.
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if there's no change from latest version, joiku still works on ad hoc mode, a no-go for pandora


yes my mistake it doesnt support infastructure mode yet, Nokia are even more behind Android phones than I thought.
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got a hint!

hciconfig -a returns:

services classes: capturing, telephony

i believe there should be "networking", maybe that's why the bluetooth manager doesn't ask me if i want to use the device for networking?
oh, seems that my hcid.conf tweaking finally solved the PIN issue, i am now able to get the "Connect script failed" without any PIN to enter anywhere :]
well it'the one i copied from this thread:

debug debug debug




connect "/usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/ppp/3G"




ipcp-restart 7



ipcp-max-configure 20

ipcp-max-failure 2

lcp-echo-interval 0

lcp-echo-failure 999








holdoff 10

and the /ppp/3G :

'' ATZ


OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"","mmsbouygtel.com"' 


OK 'ATDT*99#'

SAY "Dialing\n"

(ip is totally random)
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still "connect script failed" ...

if only it could say why it fails..... :angry:
well it DID work upon reboot

the problem now is: i don't know why, so i can't make it happen again if i flash the nand for example..... :blink:

but the bluetooth manager's "disconnect" button is now active, and the network manager shows in the "wired" tab an "Ifupdown (bnep0)" device

i'll make backups of all those files i tweaked....